Author Topic: Blockhead36001  (Read 20261 times) are you supposed to have been playing Blockland for three years when you have a 36k ID? I have an 11k ID and I've only been playing Blockland for two years tops.

He has other IDs.

Hey guys, I got a paper to write on the concept of video-game violence and addiction. Can I talk later?
You can do whatever the hell you'd like, but I certainly have no objection to you leaving us alone for any amount of time

Hey guys, I got a paper to write on the concept of video-game violence and addiction. Can I talk later?


Mostly because you strolled in here saying how great you were with "the first" 36k ID, and repeatedly saying how you've had 4 alts, etc. etc., and being a pompous friend yet you still don't have the common sense to not a bump an old topic. In addition, I posted right underneath you about 3/5 times I saw you do it and told you to stop, but you persisted.

Now you have this drama, and hopefully you'll come to terms with the idiocy you've shown us over the past ~36 hours that you've been here
Alright, please never misuse the word "cigarette" when refering to me, it's just offensive, and I completely agree, it was wrong of me to boast about it, no one really cares about BL_IDs anyway, and no, I just talked in a few topics, a lot of them were new, I don't understand though why I cannot talk in old ones.

Hey look, guys, we really don't need to fight about this anymore, personally, even though the majority of the population in this topic strongly dislike me, I think it would be better if we could just get along, so, what do you say? This is a pointless arguement about me that half of it has been about Euss. It would be better if we could all move along, I'm sorry for making any offensive posts, or anything that has hurt anyone. However, I feel bumping is okay, I mean, it doesn't hurt anyone to talk in them, and if you are offended by this, tell me and I will do it a bit less, but stopping completely isn't going to work out for my personal needs. And for those of you that found it "Innappropriate" are wrong; most of those posts were quite nice, versus those of the things said about me, and you are completely right, bragging and boasting is wrong, I won't do it again. I hope we can start over and get along :)

P.S. For those of you that find "walls of text" hard to read, just bare with me and you might enjoy what I have to say.


As I said: "The modify button wasn't there"

Sorry, dude, and why does it matter if I bump a old topic, I just wanna talk about it.
Thank Kalphiter for that  :cookieMonster:

just bare with me

Insert "Are you loving kidding me" picture here.

Insert "Are you loving kidding me" picture here.
What? I just made a apology and you're still pissed :/

Oh, it's because you don't have the time to read a long-text board?

But I need to :/
This isn't a chat room.

That's like saying "hey guys im going afk hrur durr"

What? I just made a apology and you're still pissed :/

Oh, it's because you don't have the time to read a long-text board?
Hey, guys, he apologized!
Let's forget all of this happened and respect Blockhead36001 again!

Just because you "can" do something doesn't mean you should.

Bumping old drama topics is pointless because the issue is usually already resolved and the topic is completely outdated.
Also, the posts you bump with are utterly unneeded.

I loled so loving hard at this conversation.

is not a good reason to bump a two week old drama.

Sorry man, I could not find the "modify" button anywhere.
This is drama, you cant modify.
Either way you shouldn't post so much, it just makes you look like you're doing it for post count.

Insert "Are you loving kidding me" picture here.

Nevermind, I'm the one in the wrong here
I thought it was "just bear with me"...

Nevermind, I'm the one in the wrong here
I thought it was "just bear with me"...
That's what happens when you tl;dr