
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434001 times)

Page needs more hue

IE on Morde so op!!

Page needs more hue

IE on Morde so op!!
Morde is not the king of doom, he is the master of metal.

Yeah, that guy was a dunderhead for not naming his title correctly.

Because amazing hahaha
Now that I think about it, there is something amazing about bananas critting 500+ every second.

Now that I think about it, there is something amazing about bananas critting 500+ every second.
I never got an IE though
I rushed Youmuu's, got berserker's greaves, malady, manamune (which I should have gotten earlier, I know) gunblade and I was going to build a frozen mallet but I only got as far as a phage.

Okay. I'm seriously pissed off right now. I just lost 200 elo because of either d/c's or trolls. Seriously.

Was doing meh as Ez but our mid fed super hard, lost 43 elo.
I mean, I went 15/2/15 as Corki then got d/c'd and lost the game. Good bye 47 elo.
Rape top as Malph when our mid gets d/c'd and our support (teemo) starts trolling. Good bye 20 elo.

Now at 1000 elo and pissed. Never going to play ranked again, that stuff is so handicapped. My friends go on win streaks of 3-5 and tell me that i'm just bad then they duo with me and realize that it's not me. It's the people. This is annoying as forget.

You gotta carry yourself mang.

You gotta carry yourself mang.
hard when top lane (which got instalocked by the guy in my picking phase after i told him i'd like it, by the way) goes like 0/10 in laning phase

Okay. I'm seriously pissed off right now. I just lost 200 elo because of either d/c's or trolls. Seriously.

Was doing meh as Ez but our mid fed super hard, lost 43 elo.
I mean, I went 15/2/15 as Corki then got d/c'd and lost the game. Good bye 47 elo.
Rape top as Malph when our mid gets d/c'd and our support (teemo) starts trolling. Good bye 20 elo.

Now at 1000 elo and pissed. Never going to play ranked again, that stuff is so handicapped. My friends go on win streaks of 3-5 and tell me that i'm just bad then they duo with me and realize that it's not me. It's the people. This is annoying as forget.

Solo q, stuff happens

soloq is full of trolls no matter what elo you are in lol. if you watch streamers they get trolls in their games, and sometimes they're other streamers

So blind picks suck
Draft picks suck
And ranked games suck
brb playing co-op

So blind picks suck
Draft picks suck
And ranked games suck
brb playing co-op
I've lost a co-op game before.

Hard to play 1v5 when they split push constantly.

I've lost a couple for the same reason too, but still.
