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Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 435147 times)

i feel like syndra is underpowered, they just use up mana too quickly for what they need to do

can we get a champ that isn't a human/humanoid/warwick ripoff please these are so boring omg

also is it just me or does nobody play Fiora anymore?

can we get a champ that isn't a human/humanoid/warwick ripoff please these are so boring omg

also is it just me or does nobody play Fiora anymore?
i almost forgot fiora was in the game until i played her

she's so easy to gank and is a melee carry so that makes her complete stuff just saying that.

Syndra is easy to counter

i feel like syndra is underpowered, they just use up mana too quickly for what they need to do
Yeah mana is a little bitch with her

Syndra is easy to counter
Lol you've never played against a good Syndra

Last game I zoned the living forget out of a veigar

End game he had 12 cs.

Thing is this was a decent veigar

can we get a champ that isn't a human/humanoid/warwick ripoff please these are so boring omg

also is it just me or does nobody play Fiora anymore?
I play fiora on my smurf and troll the enemy team by just stacking tiamats.

Its so funny when you can get an instant penta if you ult them while they're all stacked up in a bush

Last game I zoned the living forget out of a veigar

End game he had 12 cs.

Thing is this was a decent veigar

I just did a bot game with an old BL friend and I played Veigar again, got over 2000 AP and it's like

oh god, i only get ~1150 AP on karthus
That's because Karthus doesn't have a Q skill that gives him permanent AP with no cap.

You probably also did a real build too, with boots, not deathcap and five AAs

You probably also did a real build too, with boots, not deathcap and five AAs
A real dedicated karthus only builds deathcap with 5 AAs.

"Oh your team is at 75% health with no mr? BUH BYE!"

A little report on my adventures with Syndra, and what ive learned:

Shes a really really fun champion, but heavily depends on her early game.
Early game, harassing with my Q keeps enemies at bay, and, as soon as i hit level 2, the zoning begins.
Get E spell, and smack them with the Q -> E instant stun whenever they try to farm.
Pretty much, if they're on your screen you can smack them with an orb using your e.

Build W next, and start chaining together combos. Plant an orb on your opponent, if they back off, e and smack them with it. Before the stun wears off, you have time for a second orb on their face, followed up by slamming an orb on them with your W.

If you happen to get ganked, don't panic. Assuming you're being ganked from a side, run opposite to the person in front of you, and at an angle away from the ganker. If one gets too close, rush a Q -> E, while trying to hit the other. If one has any distance closing methods, flash comes in handy here.

Later in the game, people like Malzahar can be annoying with his ult, but with some timing he's not an issue.
Anticipate when he is going to press R, and right when he does you can stun him with your Q -> E rush. Hopefully, if you got the timing right, it'l completely nullify his ultimate, allowing you to throw down a second orb and use your R.

Late game, you're pretty scary.
Your full combo can burst down just about any opponent, especially if you land all 6 orbs of her ult.
6, you may be wondering?

Yes. 6.
Syndra has 3 orbs inately floating around her. On top of that, you can place up to 3 extra orbs.
While, shes only meant to have 2 extra orbs out, its possible to have 3 out if you use your Q, then wait til its about to dissappear. By this time, your Q is back. Use it once more, and W the first orb. This will keep it alive long enough to pop off the third and final Q attack.

Then the nuclear bomb explodes.
Throw your W at an enemy, and instantly press R, and watch their health bar drop to nothingness.

"Immense power is FUN!! You should try it sometime!"
-Syndra, the Dark Sovereign
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 07:03:54 PM by Evar678 »

You probably also did a real build too, with boots, not deathcap and five AAs
that's probably it
i had boots, deathcap, and 4 AAs :c

Later in the game, people like Malzahar can be annoying with his ult, but with some timing he's not an issue.
Anticipate when he is going to press R, and right when he does you can stun him with your Q -> E rush. Hopefully, if you got the timing right, it'l completely nullify his ultimate, allowing you to throw down a second orb and use your R.
What type of Malzahar goes into his death grip without silencing you first?

What type of Malzahar goes into his death grip without silencing you first?
His Q isn't extremely difficult to dodge, but if you get silenced, and you're in his ult's range, you're pretty much screwed!

Even so, if you think hes gonna silence you before going into his deathcombo, its possible to get a stun off before he hits you with it.
But yeah, silence = screwed, generally speaking.

And, also, malz's deathcombo isnt hard to recognize.

It normally starts out with his w, leading up into his E and Q.
Once all those are off here comes his nether grasp.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 07:40:15 PM by Evar678 »

And, also, malz's deathcombo isnt hard to recognize.

It normally starts out with his w, leading up into his E and Q.
Once all those are off here comes his nether grasp.
How to do malz combo best:

Poke with E. Keep poking. When they are ready to die hit with silence. If you miss then wait. If you hit then go in with W and Ult. Your E should already be on them.

There is no counter to this move except an enemy initiation, which will only work if they have a nice gap closer.