
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 433994 times)

that's probably it
i had boots, deathcap, and 4 AAs :c
pfahaha boots suck

Oh and played a match against morg, hate her hate her hate her but I did okay.
Our jungle disconnected though and we had duo top and lulu solo'd bot. I made sure to gank them and I was going 7/7 when my team surrendered.

just got drophacked

i'm not even a high elo gamer lol? games completely gone. but we can't prove it was other team.. is someone just going around drophacking people or was it the other team?

I played 3 different game against 3 different malzahars today.

They all generally started with w.

I personally would e then q then w then r

I played 3 different game against 3 different malzahars today.

They all generally started with w.

I personally would e then q then w then r
The most troll thing to do is have RCC, E a minion, wait for it to go on them, they're slowed, Q (last thing you need them to do is flash out of your W) W, R (+ ignite if they aren't going to die from the ult, or are currently regaining a lot of health [mundo/singed ult, volibear, etc])

The most troll thing to do is have RCC, E a minion, wait for it to go on them, they're slowed, Q (last thing you need them to do is flash out of your W) W, R (+ ignite if they aren't going to die from the ult, or are currently regaining a lot of health [mundo/singed ult, volibear, etc])
You know, I doubt a majority of the neogeo players (players after cassiopia update) realize that singed's ulti increases basically  all of his stats a very good amount.

Speaking of playtime, I'm curious, how long have you been playing? Got a story on your history as a summoner? I'd love to hear!
Here's mine:
I joined in march of 2010, right after Ezreal was released.
I didn't get serious with the game until a few weeks later when twisted treeline was released, because my PC had trouble with Summoner's rift. A month later when kennen was released, I couldn't pass up the chance to play as a yordle ninja, so I worked towards buying him. It was about a month until I actually got him because school. My brother was a 1600 elo player back then, and he tutored me in every aspect of the game, explained to me how to build effectively, and how to play all of the roles. By the time I bought kennen, I had developed into an aggressive player with a mind set on killing, and had reached level 20. After about a week of getting used to him, and getting a better PC, I landed my first penta. It was quite lucky. I was fed pretty well, with 400 ability power around 26 minutes in. The enemy team was a little bit underfed. They had attempted snagging baron. I stumbled upon them right after I took blue, and, being on blue team, had a clear shot to baron. They were all under half health, and didn't have much cc. I ran in with lightning rush, in to ulti and w + q spam. They dropped like flies, and, on top of that, I stole baron.
Hearing that announcer shout: Penta Kill! For the first time was golden. I was so extatic, and my team was freaking out about it. That moment shaped my play style today, and with two years experience under my belt, I'm effective and calculating with all that aggression.
I've become a sort of mentor now a days, I help newbies get into the feel of the game, and guide them on their way, teaching them everything from the basics all the way up to specializing champions. Currently, I've played every champion in the game in at least one regular and one ranked.
My least played champion would be trundle, and most played would be kennen.

Holy stuff how did this post turn into that?!?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 01:48:59 AM by Evar678 »

just got drophacked
What even is this.

Speaking of playtime, I'm curious, how long have you been playing? Got a story on your history as a summoner? I'd love to hear!
Alright I'll go.

     Back when I was in middle school, I'm a senior in high school now, my friend was talking about DotA. I was interested and looked it up on the Googles. I followed a rabbit trail and found out about League of Legends, which was in a closed beta, or preparing to or something. I didn't get in, but the next year I played some DotA with my friends and forgot about LoL. Then, I think on some website that lists games, I saw League of Legends with a new sticker next to it. I remembered and went to the site and downloaded the game. This was probably in the beginning of the first week it was released as public because I invited my friends and they also joined within the first week.
     So I played the game every once and a while and didn't really have any skills, which was okay because I was a low level. I shortly got pissed off of all of the jerks in normal games, and found that I could screw off more in bot games. I leveled to 30 in bot games, before co-op or the bot game xp and ip penalties even existed. This turned out badly for me because I didn't gain any essential skills. Recently, I decided to start playing for real, but I had to learn at least one champion first. I picked Malzahar. I got pretty good at him, but the issue is that farming for him is E and autoattack, not last hitting. And before someone says that you are supposed to autoattack anyway, the only way to poke and gain loads of free mana at low levels is to autoattack the minions so your E can kill them.
     While trying to get good at the game, I had to fix my playstyle. This probably happened around the same time as Malzahar. I used to be stupidly aggressive. I dived into outnumbered fights and turrets at low levels. Now I am still stupidly aggressive, but usually not into outnumbering fights or turrets. The exception to that is when I am Malzahar, where I am stupidly passive. There are times when I have a guaranteed kill on people, usually multiple times per game, and I decide not to because I might take some damage and have to b or be susceptible to a gank.

Ah, a bit under-aggressive.

Bot games were great for smurfs, but not for actual accounts, I think that's where you made a bit of a mistake.
Bots used to be stuff dumb, like, honestly if you played against the intermediate bots back then, there would have been a lot of an increase in your skill.
Nice contribution! And holy crap someone that's an older player than me.

lol, I played a game where my premades both went AFK, one at the turret, giving first blood. I went 0/3/0 before my lane partner, Fiora, reconnected.
We proceeded to win so hard that they surrendered.

was trolling on smurf with friend, i went jarvan (random), and he was corki.
i had tele/smite like my usual smurf self

Shocking discovery, enemy bot lane is also jarvan + corki

I kill them a bunch, but enemy corki would usually get both of us and they say over all chat "thanks for feeding corki"

Enemy corki never got a kill again. I forgeted em up with philo + chain vest + giants belt, broke turret, went mid, broke turret, went top, killed them, everything went good from there

clearly tele/smite support jarvan is op

What even is this.
it's something that people do to be richards, most likely not directly attacking me but it was a drophack nonetheless launched on the same physical server i was on.

basically what it does is DoS's the physical server (which hosts about 3-4 games each, there's many many of them) and then it basically makes everyone disconnect from the game at the same time. this causes the game to cease existance and doesn't show up on your match history. i mean, it could've been the other team (they were losing pretty hard) but meeh they didn't seem that butthurt about the whole situation.

but yeah, it's been going around. there's been some of it in the pro scene and it's been brought to Riot's attention but they're still investigating how to fix it.

clearly tele/smite support jarvan is op
i remember when i saw oddone play support janna flash/smite accidentally. it was funny because he kept screaming "EXTRA GP10 OP" in all chat but he was being pretty richardy about it.
lost it anyways, but yeah. it's pretty useful if you do take the mastery. if you were trolling i'd assume you didn't.

I do take the mastery and I also lean towards gp/10 and abusing teleport to get these things.

Also played twisted treeline blind pick with bro and friend on troll smurf accounts. Nunu, Morde, and Jarvan.
I (jarvan) had tele/smite, bro (morde) had revive/smite, and friend (nunu) had... I forget, something and ghost.
Friend built boots of mobility and phantom dancers. My first item was atma's impaler without having any prior health items.

We killed them ahri kayle vayne dead. love flag/poke into top lane right bush, then jumping on whoever is top laning (ahri)

Mofowholikesdanc - USA

Uh. I'll play wherever. We usually win when I play. Add me if you want to duo or just richard around :L

Kemen 5 ever

I decided to play as Nasus and see how well I would do

I was tankier than Nautilus.  NAUTILUS.

One of my favorite moments was when Brolaf ganked me with gangplank at top.
Double kill.

Experimenting with AP Trist: what works best earlygame? What situations call for which builds?
I'm beginning to see that starting with RoA has great benefits. Previously I had been using DFG or deathcap first. However, if I continue getting defense/AP, I get pretty tanky. I'll still get a DFG, but I then go to a Rylai's, Zhonya's, and maybe an Abyssal Scepter.