
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 435708 times)

Only good thing about kha'zix is his mecha skin. :S

Beautiful Cyber

EDIT: 16-2
I still can't believe how perfect AP trist is
I wasn't even playing well
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 03:56:51 PM by Katadeus »

That feel where you steal the dragon as Evelynn while the entire enemy team is there

and escape
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 08:16:05 PM by Shadow Warrior »

Just got my first pentakill ever as Kha'Zix.
First day back from a 2 month break. So happy :)

That feel where you steal the dragon as Evelynn while the entire enemy team is there

and escape
Wait whoa
Just got my first pentakill ever as Kha'Zix.
First day back from a 2 month break. So happy :)

Why cannot I be do these things

Wait whoaWhoa

Why cannot I be do these things
Get new champ.
Max Q.

So much gg.

Have you seen my friend Tibbers?

Top GP vs Rumble.
Losing lane.
Our jungle "i'll help you top"
* Goes bottom to gank a winning lane
"i'm coming mid"
* Goes bottom again
"sorry for not helping top gp i'm coming"
"after dragon"
* Goes bottom again

forget this stuff.

If your bottom lane is winning why shouldn't he help them win more, You're just tank for your adc anyways lategame. I really dont see a reason to even pick gp if they save their top to 5th pick, plain dumb. Rather go something safe like irelia,yorick,jayce

also evar has no idea what hes talking about and i recommend you dont take his stuff seriously. Hes just basic guy blaming the jungle for everything and posting screenshots on how good hes doing as a smurf- Really man think what you say

This is a friend jungler.

We must purge his soul with hatred and fire!
(mostly fire!)

Xang is correct here not you. Im not trying to be a richard to you but just from experience i know that helping bottom snowball is way better than helping top if you look at endgame. Ofc top needs to be tanky and usefull but chrono could have just freeze his lane and support with ulti when needed

Have you seen my friend Tibbers?
Tibbers can go forget himself

I hate when I'm jungling and camping bot and the damned top Darius can't hold his own so he blames me.


Does that only happen to me? orrrrr

Also anyone here "This loving jungle" all the time when you're doing pretty well?

Darius is a pain in the butt because his snowballing is so hard to deal with in teamfights.

also evar has no idea what hes talking about and i recommend you dont take his stuff seriously. Hes just basic guy blaming the jungle for everything and posting screenshots on how good hes doing as a smurf- Really man think what you say
I'm just joking, chill.
I do know that bot lane is indeed important, but just don't think its justifiable to let the enemy top laner get fed.

Hes just basic guy blaming the jungle for everything
Well excuse me.

That wasn't nice, Sony.
Especially considering how much I respect you. :/

Xang is correct here not you. Im not trying to be a richard to you but just from experience i know that helping bottom snowball is way better than helping top if you look at endgame. Ofc top needs to be tanky and usefull but chrono could have just freeze his lane and support with ulti when needed
I never said that Xang was wrong, I was just throwing my opinion out there.

Nevertheless, I suppose I was being a bit harsh. Bottom lane is a very, very important lane in the game, and benefits greatly from ganks, but I still hold strong to my opinion that the jungler shouldn't prioritize one lane over the other when he said he was going top.

In any case, I wouldn't really care if the jungler didn't say he was going top.

Hey, Evar, seeing as you're good at the game, mind if I send you a replay to you for criticizing?  I'd like to get better at the game, but seeing as we lost a number of times in a row, I'm probably doing something wrong.  Aside from fail tower dives or hanging around too long, a critique would be nice, to nitpick on minor mistakes that I've missed.

You don't have to, of course, but I'd appreciate it.

I don't at all mind.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 07:32:15 PM by Evar678 »

I need to get good at farming, or just play only support. What do you guys suggest?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 07:36:00 PM by Doomonkey »