
Favorite lane?

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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434175 times)

I smurfed mostly because there is this odd feeling of satisfaction i get once i hit level 30, hard to explain, but once I got one level thirty I had to do it again

Should I buy Miss Fortune or Olaf? I plan to buy both of them eventually but only have enough points for one of them.

Hmm, well Olaf is fun.

Olaf was probably one of the first 10 champs I bought back in season, Great buy if you like the way he plays.

Mf is a solid purchase too though.

It really depends on who you like better, they are both good fun :o

I love on-hit effect MF <3

Malady is fun

MF is amazing no matter how you build her

AP MF, 'dat E -> R combo, instakilling anybody stupid enough to stay in it for the duration!

Dat W passive!

i swear to god i cannot go a loving day where i look at league stuff or play league without someone saying "DAT Q/W/E/R HHEHEHRHRUURH"

I'm level 30 btw.

It's not on OP for some reason

holy stuff all this pressure 1way ticket to platinium

loving did it ryze is just damn good
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 03:07:35 PM by Sony »

sony carry me to platinum pls.

Btw OP my Its All Lies account is now level 30.

wait you seriously got to plat by being 47/31?

wow lol.

wait you seriously got to plat by being 47/31?

wow lol.
placement matches are stronk

if you are on a winning streak for your games out of placements, you'll get as much as you did in placement (elo-wise, i'm not sure about this new system)

29 points for a ranked win

pretty good