
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 426260 times)

just had the weirdest yet most successful game yet
basically, our team needed and adc, but this guy didn't listen so he picks rammus and goes top.
at this point, we basically have no bottom lane. sona was afk and rammus went top. jayce went top as well, i went mid as fizz, and noc was jungling. so pretty much their caitlyn was pushing bot really hard and i decided to go down there and kill her. at that point, i'd already killed their TF so i had a bit of gold under my belt. then i pretty much roamed the entire game and went 11/2. ending score for teams was 26/6. jeez

Is it bad that I'm a Tristana that likes to sit behind teammates and give them covering fire.
That is approximately what you need to be doing

Who's ready for Spirit Guard Udyr

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UDY PLS

Meanwhile at riot:
Morello: "What the forget is an AD Carry?!?"

I recently got this "Communicate well with team" ribbon (or w/e they're called). :') Is there any way to moderate it? In case you get another ribbon.

I recently got this "Communicate well with team" ribbon (or w/e they're called). :') Is there any way to moderate it? In case you get another ribbon.
I have had 4 ribbons and I have no idea. I don't think so.

>Finally gives old champ a new skin
>+$20 during and after sale


I've discovered the deadly AP Teemo.

I've discovered the deadly AP Teemo.
i dont know why anyone goes AD teemo

i dont know why anyone goes AD teemo
Neither do I, AD doesn't fit in his kit at all. It makes me cringe when I see a teemo go ad. If it's an enemy I take special care to make them realize how bad it is.
I've 1v1'd an ad teemo as taric and thresh on multiple occasions, and sometimes it wasn't just because I outplayed him, it was straight because I beat him in a standoff fight.

Learning how to play Yi. Doing good so far, I guess.

Mocha Furrier taught me how to jungle yesterday, thus buying Amumu. :)

i dont know why anyone goes AD teemo
It really is awful, I can't stand having a team mate play it.

That was AP Teemo, they surrendered soon after 20.