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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 426365 times)

After playing Trynda 2 times in a row and seeing it went so well I made a bet with myself. To continue with him until I lost. It didn't really continue as long as I'd hoped. The last game went bad in general, especially the fact that I lost Internet connection for some minutes. But I still think 7 wins in a row is p cool. The second latest game I played with Mocha and his friend (both lvl 30, me lvl 23) which I think went fairly good.

Trynd can get crazy stronk sometimes
Have you ever gotten more kills than minutes in the game?

Trynd can get crazy stronk sometimes
Have you ever gotten more kills than minutes in the game?

Mh no. I think once in a Twisted Treeline tho. :o

imgur lottery

I have one comment about this game.

loving TEEMO.

That is all.

more like

forget amumu, blitz, cho'gath, diana, draven, elise, ezreal, fiddlesticks, garen, hecarim, jarvan, jayce, karthus, kennen, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux, malphite, master yi, nami, nasus, nautilis, nocturne, nunu, rammus, renekton, rengar, riven, rumble, ryze, sejuani, shen, singed, sona, taric, teemo, thresh, tryndamere, twisted fate, udyr, veigar, vi, volibear, wukong, xin zhao, yorick, zac, zilean, and zyra.

that's why i barely play this game anymore

more like

forget amumu, blitz, cho'gath, diana, draven, elise, ezreal, fiddlesticks, garen, hecarim, jarvan, jayce, karthus, kennen, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux, malphite, master yi, nami, nasus, nautilis, nocturne, nunu, rammus, renekton, rengar, riven, rumble, ryze, sejuani, shen, singed, sona, taric, teemo, thresh, tryndamere, twisted fate, udyr, veigar, vi, volibear, wukong, xin zhao, yorick, zac, zilean, and zyra.

that's why i barely play this game anymore
And Syndra.

more like

forget amumu, blitz, cho'gath, diana, draven, elise, ezreal, fiddlesticks, garen, hecarim, jarvan, jayce, karthus, kennen, leblanc, lee sin, leona, lux, malphite, master yi, nami, nasus, nautilis, nocturne, nunu, rammus, renekton, rengar, riven, rumble, ryze, sejuani, shen, singed, sona, taric, teemo, thresh, tryndamere, twisted fate, udyr, veigar, vi, volibear, wukong, xin zhao, yorick, zac, zilean, and zyra.

that's why i barely play this game anymore

Vayne :U ..and Quinn. Hated adcs.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 03:39:38 AM by Sleven »

quinn's so powerful early game

Everyone on the Oceania server was given Ziggs and his pool party skin, I haven't had a game without Ziggs in it since ;-;

is the chat room on LoL still active? I plan on joining it later.

quinn's so powerful early game

Ironically she's the adc counter. Blinding them and hammering em with the passive. And the speed she got as Valor.. jeeze.


Oh, yeah, I remember that.

I played just some streaks with fizz, and elise. I haven't played both in a loooong time and I still wonder how I succeed so well, I mean, just look at this.

(upper one was played with Sleven)

(the middle one was played with sleven, in that trynda game earlier, with my friend)

Ironically she's the adc counter. Blinding them and hammering em with the passive. And the speed she got as Valor.. jeeze.

It's quite ironic how as valor she can either: "Oh forget, the whole team! LETS GET THE forget AWAY FROM HERE!!",
or: "You cannot escape me with my 500 movement speed mwahahahhahaha"

Also, dat passive...

is the chat room on LoL still active? I plan on joining it later.

i've decided to start idling in it when i'm on.

recently bought wukong. he is fun