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Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432422 times)

supports never get kills!
If you're building like a caster and getting gold income like a caster you'll be able to fight like a caster

[img width=1000 height=618]http://i.imgur.com/p9o9IRg.jpg[/img

sorry for attention whoring, 3rd game as leona

i think i found my champion
leona is sooo strong right now.
win ranked games on the daily with her.

leona is sooo strong right now.
win ranked games on the daily with her.

shes so useless in 1v1 though. she's the only tank that's not a threat at all without a partner

she also has no sustain, like, at all

shes so useless in 1v1 though. she's the only tank that's not a threat at all without a partner

she also has no sustain, like, at all
she has a pretty nice long lasting double stun though. i built her ap yesterday and could 1v1 just about anyone.

she has a pretty nice long lasting double stun though. i built her ap yesterday and could 1v1 just about anyone.
The way to go is actually AD
Ravenous Hydra and Triforce and you wreck people
Make sure you auto attack, then q immediately after, allowing you to land three attacks within the space of a second

Relevant: Draven wrecks people and gets paid.
10/6/9 with 253 cs
running around assassinating their carries and getting picked off by goon squads
Nobody could duel me.

The one thing though that I only did once that game is juggle three axes, and it only happened really close to the end. When you're playing Draven and you're doing it right, there's this rhythm and drive that isn't like any other champion in the game. You run in beautiful curves at a thousand miles per hour while dealing thousands of damage within seconds.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 08:21:17 PM by Katadeus »

The way to go is actually AD
Ravenous Hydra and Triforce and you wreck people
Make sure you auto attack, then q immediately after, allowing you to land three attacks within the space of a second

Relevant: Draven wrecks people and gets paid.
10/6/9 with 253 cs
running around assassinating their carries and getting picked off by goon squads
Nobody could duel me.

The one thing though that I only did once that game is juggle three axes, and it only happened really close to the end. When you're playing Draven and you're doing it right, there's this rhythm and drive that isn't like any other champion in the game. You run in beautiful curves at a thousand miles per hour while dealing thousands of damage within seconds.
that's for OP OP. as leona, I might run Iceborne Gauntlet and Rylais + Randuins for triple slows and triple stuns. SO op, and the rylais + gaunt AP makes your ult hit like trucks

The way to go is actually AD
Ravenous Hydra and Triforce and you wreck people
Make sure you auto attack, then q immediately after, allowing you to land three attacks within the space of a second
I might change my AD tank build now, so i can get ravenous hydra and trinity force.

supports never get kills!
Supports don't exist in ARAM.

If you're building like a support would in ARAM. Kill urself.

Supports don't exist in ARAM.

If you're building like a support would in ARAM. Kill urself.
is ap building like a support? Because that's what I was building

that's for OP OP. as leona, I might run Iceborne Gauntlet and Rylais + Randuins for triple slows and triple stuns. SO op, and the rylais + gaunt AP makes your ult hit like trucks
That's for if you want to survive teamfights

is ap building like a support? Because that's what I was building

Then you weren't a support, you were a source of magic damage.

that's for OP OP. as leona, I might run Iceborne Gauntlet and Rylais + Randuins for triple slows and triple stuns. SO op, and the rylais + gaunt AP makes your ult hit like trucks

thats great in theory but that just means youre going to melt the second you're focused. if you build your leona right you can tank all 5 of their team members until your carries wipe them all
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 04:14:19 PM by Stocking »

First time I've hit 6000 ping

thats great in theory but that just means youre going to melt the second you're focused. if you build your leona right you can tank all 5 of their team members until your carries wipe them all
Also not sure where the triple stun is coming from.
Her E is a root, not a stun.
A root is just an 100% slow that disables certain abilities.

I now understand what elo hell is because I'm stuck in it.
It's impossible for me to get out of bronze 2. I normally play with friends who are gold and plat so my mmr is pretty high. Let's use a recent solo queue game as an example of my elo hell in bronze 2. should be a stomp, right? I'M stomping at 20/1, but the rest of my team is feeding so hard that now the other team has 5 fed players. We clearly can't  team fight but my team goes in anyways and ENEMY QUADRA KILL
Both teams are so bad, it isn't about skill in bronze, it's about whichever team feeds less wins. Jesus christ I'm pissed because I literally went 20/1 and still couldn't carry those brain dead idiots