
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432755 times)

akali falls off late game if she plays passively, that's what im talking about. if everyone on the opponent's team knows what they're doing and they don't let you get kills, you become pretty much useless late game compared to champions like ziggs, kayle, or swain.

i mean sure you can play her well enough to maybe make it into gold, and you'll probably go like 30 to 0 a lot of games, but you're not going diamond if you main akali
Yeah, I can't argue with that. She does fall if if she gets behind early and if she can't farm herself back into the game.

I actually don't main her, I'm just playing her a lot lately because shes fun.
akali is the same exact thing, unless this furry is super amazing at the game he's going to just keep dominating low elo and then teeter off once people are actually good.
Well I am a gold 1 player. I made it to plat during pre-season (after boarders were issued). I've also been playing since the 2nd beta test and I have over 7000 games played total. I'm not saying I'm super pro at the game, but I know my stuff.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 01:29:17 AM by Evar678 »

Isn't stocking a new player, why is she talking like she knows everything

Akali is actually hard to play well

Yeah really idk how to play Akali well. She's that kind of champ that's out of my league.

Never playing AD Kennen again, as fun as it was.
I suck too much at not dying and 1v1's and 1v2's usually end up as draws.
Clashes are terrible too since Katarina was fed to hell and back and could kill me with a single combo without even using her ult.

Isn't stocking a new player, why is she talking like she knows everything

Akali is actually hard to play well
I agree. Was one of the hardest champs in S1, now we have champs like Zed so comparatively it's a little easier, but still. High skillcap champion IMO.

I agree. Was one of the hardest champs in S1, now we have champs like Zed so comparatively it's a little easier, but still. High skillcap champion IMO.
Eh the hardest parts about her is knowing when to go in an energy management

Eh the hardest parts about her is knowing when to go in an energy management
Knowing who to go in on as well
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 12:28:44 PM by Evar678 »

From a jungler, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you want one of my buffs, ASK before you take it, and if you come to help me take a buff, DO NOT take it. I'm very generous with my buffs and if I don't absolutely need them, I'll gladly give them out. But if you take them without asking or steal them while I'm taking them, forget you. Taking one buff at the wrong time can screw over some junglers really hard.

Example: I was trying to jungle Fiddlesticks today and an Olaf top asked me, "Can I have blue?" for the first blue. I said, "I'll give you 2nd blue, I need the first one pretty badly." He then leashes for me, but throws an axe in at the last second, says "thanks" and runs back to his lane with my buff. I was screwed over for the entire rest of the game because I lost so much jungle time due to being out of mana, and we ended up losing because I couldn't do anything.

Jungle is designed to be able to catch up easy. Even if you had a bad start, as long as you're farming and not wasting time with poorly-executed ganks then you should easily catch up with the rival jungler and still out farm the laners.

Jungle is designed to be able to catch up easy. Even if you had a bad start, as long as you're farming and not wasting time with poorly-executed ganks then you should easily catch up with the rival jungler and still out farm the laners.
You've obviously never lost your first buff while jungling then. While it's possible to catch up, it's extremely difficult, considering A) you probably lost most of the XP from the buff, and B) You don't have the mana regen/cd reduction of the buff. As a jungler with high early mana costs like Fiddlesticks, Shaco, potentially Vi, etc, you'll be OOM and forced to go back every few camps, losing you a lot of jungle time.

The disadvantage isn't that it's impossible to catch back up, the problem is in the fact that you have to use your time to play catch-up instead of doing things to help your team, like warding, ganking, and split pushing/taking dragon.

if you lose the buff you can still easily farm the 725 gold for your Tier 2 jungle item and boots, and then you're already back in a good place

unless youre playing a dedicated ganking jungler like rammus, there's nothing wrong with just farming your jungle and holding lanes until youre needed in team fights. unless your team is getting zoned out of their lanes or the enemy team is simply begging to be ganked it's usually not a bad idea to focus on farming and counter jungling.

Why does this come from a mbrown towness shyvana player. Simple as pie man some champs are frikn impossible (no, not impossible but really.. tough stuff) without the early blue. Amumu without blue is dead amumu.

Yeah, if you lose blue with some champs basically you have to continuously recall because you can't keep your mana up, and if you run oom you just die

fiddlesticks is garbage as forget in the jungle without blue and olaf REALLY doesn't need blue. you should always secure your first buff with blue anyways, it will always be up for your second one as long as you take another camp in between.