
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 431103 times)

well atleast im having fun

I don't play Naut but I think you should go for heavy tank items. Sunfire, randuins, warmog, spirits visage, banshees, maybe rylais.

idk about wits end, frozen heart, liandrys, mob boots, frostfang, void staff

You might want to go for a tanky AP so try RoA, ZH, Liandrys, and Rylais.

Because afaik Naut is a tank.

I don't play Naut but I think you should go for heavy tank items. Sunfire, randuins, warmog, spirits visage, banshees, maybe rylais.

idk about wits end, frozen heart, liandrys, mob boots, frostfang, void staff
You might want to go for a tanky AP so try RoA, ZH, Liandrys, and Rylais.

Because afaik Naut is a tank.
i'm pretty sure he's just screwing around on top lane naut
yes, if he was playing serious (ie jungle) he should build tank

one time i got wrecked by a top lane attack speed naut, you should try that... iirc he rushed cutlass then got wits and then finished botrk, the W hurt so bad and it was hard to run away :(

i'm pretty sure he's just screwing around on top lane naut

he builds after recommended.

one time i got wrecked by a top lane attack speed naut, you should try that... iirc he rushed cutlass then got wits and then finished botrk, the W hurt so bad and it was hard to run away :(
tryin this will post results

[i mg width=1000 height=578]http://i.imgur.com/sBeiINe.png[/img]
Blaze it
how did you change that picture behind your summoner icon

how did you change that picture behind your summoner icon
bought spirit guard udyr

how did you change that picture behind your summoner icon
A few summoner icons change it, specifically the spirit guard udyr icons

A few summoner icons change it, specifically the spirit guard udyr icons
As well as Pulsefire Ezreal.

I think I'll main Fizz now
getting some amazing scores
If I win 3 games out of the next 5, I'm in gold.
It won't happen, most likely, but it's an exhilarating prospect.

I'm so close to level 30 but league keeps saying the firewall is denying access, even though when I disable the firewall it still comes up with the error message. I've had to leave 2-3 games because of league crashes today.