
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432556 times)

best loving update in the world

sona wins every game

same with soraka, zilean, ect

Ezreal. :^)

Free Qs, Free Es

Infinite Escape

Ezreal. :^)

Free Qs, Free Es

Infinite Escape
i wrecked an ezreal as kat

zigg bombs errywhere ugh liandry's + rylai's + rabaddon and you can't walk through stuff.

Also, AP Trist. Free jumps everywhere.

I won my first Ultra Rapid Fire as Soraka. They had all of our inhibitor turrets destroyed, but then we split pushed them and won the important teamfights.

Nidalee would have a 1.2 second cooldown on her spears.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 10:38:24 AM by Doomonkey »

Soraka with 1k AP can shred 32 MR per second.

Urgot is undoubtedly OP with his infinite Q barrage.

Rito pls this lee sin nerf absolutely guts him when it comes out :c

Swain is unstoppable unless he gets CC'd really hard.

I was literally diving into 1v5's and coming out with usually 2 kills before nidalee starts tearing up the rest.

playing with my good friend dunkey

God damn am I jealous

wait what are they changing on lee sin

Huh, ok, so he's gonna be really different.
I guess mid AD Lee is dead.

so i tried ahri

i like her a lot

Nidalee is so stupid in this, 1 spear like every second, traps everywhere, pounce constantly so can't catch her and also she can just heal all the time

so i tried ahri

i like her a lot

im not gay but i would totally have love with ahri

I've gotten into the habit of lolnexus'ing during the loading screen and mulling over everybody's runes and masteries before the match, and I noticed something that worried me a lot.

My entire team was low bronze and their team was silver. I got kind worried about other lanes feeding y'know and that we would only win if I snowballed really hard. Then when the game started, Nocturne never connected. So it was a 4v5 right off the bat, and I was pretty confident that it'd be a surrender at 20.

30 minutes later, the enemy team surrenders.

My entire MO that game was just pushing victor out of lane over and over again, and then immediately roaming lanes to get the other laners snowballing. Top was easy to gank because Riven wasn't very good and Nasus would just ult and tank the tower so I could kill her, and bot lane Annie's stun pretty much guaranteed a double kill every time I went down there. All in all definitely one of my favorite games ever and it really goes to show how much stronger a team is that works together.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 07:07:01 PM by Stocking »