
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 431737 times)

climbed out of bronze to silver today (yes i am that bad)


Grats man!
Keep climbing!

Climbed out of unranked to still unranked today.

im surprised people still build feral flare, after the big nerf :(

It's not like it doesn't have its place
It's still a good item

im surprised people still build feral flare, after the big nerf :(
the nerf really forgeted it but it's still good

>play jungle
>jungling as normal
>top says he needs ganks
>go in for gank but the top doesn't follow in and i die
>"wtf man you asked for ganks and i pinged to go in"
>no reply
>later in the round
>jungler wtf i need ganks
>ok fine
>go in
>same forgetin thing happens
>"dude if you aren't going to go in i'm just not going to gank top
>top loses turret and blames it on me
>solo dragon for the team
>no "thanks" or "gj" from anyone on the team
>enemy top gets fed off our top being dumb
>get ganked in my jungle
>ping to do baron
later in the match
>two people show up, i go in for the baron kill
>they start basic attacking baron for a bit then run off
>"wtf why did you guys leave"
>would have got baron if they stayed in for just a second much longer
>lose match
this is what happens when you try to help

Using flat mana ryze

900 at level 1, hilariously stomp on everyone despite being fragile as stuff

Using flat mana ryze

900 at level 1, hilariously stomp on everyone despite being fragile as stuff
900 what
900 WHAT

ryze's abilities use maximum mana.
MAGIC DAMAGE: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 35% AP) (+ 1% of max mana)
MAX MAGIC DAMAGE TO ONE TARGET: 150 / 210 / 270 / 330 / 390 (+ 105% AP) (+3% of max mana)

Debating whether it's worth it to get mana runes on jungle ryze

he said mana? because cassord said
i was referring to flush, when he said "mana?"