
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 426425 times)

Problem being that you're now forcing a timing window. Most other junglers can jump in at any opportunity, while with Gnar, you have to time it properly so that you'll be Mega Gnar. The opportunity for a gank could disappear in that time. Sort of like when people were trying to jungle Braum. His ganks 'can' be good, but only in a situation where jumping on his own team will work, where in most cases you have to jump on the enemy team with any other jungler.
The other thing is that everybody wants to build damage on him

is Morgana still viable as a midlaner or did the nerfs hurt her too much to still be able to do that?


final boss veigar is voiced by scott mcneil

i put in work but it wasn't enough, team kept running off 1 by 1 and getting caught
sold my abyssal at the end but didn't have enough time to buy a banshee's

man im such a sweetheart in ranked
i see someone at the enemy team getting yelled at and i comfort them and stuff
though to be fair she did pick leona into a morgana
also i have 99 lp dammit

double post
victorious morgana, meh
i was hoping for someone i actually played

soo do I get anything for finishing the season under level 30? :D

just had a glorious ranked match as taric support

we had a loving pro kha'zix who carried hard and we worked together in team fights and my adc wasn't absolute stuff

it was the team i always wanted but rarely ever received

So if you get into promos, how long you got until you get kicked out.. if you don't play in a while? Derp, first time in promos.

so uhhh
you can get a free gingerbread ward which you usually have to pay for
for some reason you can just equip it

so uhhh
you can get a free gingerbread ward which you usually have to pay for
for some reason you can just equip it
sugar rush
gingerbread associated with candy/sweets

sugar rush
gingerbread associated with candy/sweets
yeah but you have to buy it usually

yeah but you have to buy it usually

it's probably during the duration of the event it'll be free for everyone