
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434080 times)

The trick is to win slowly and make it look like they can push back and win, while not losing any of your dominance.

Lol. Losses are adding to my games won stat. Ty Riot glitch.

Would have had a really good co-op game this morning that would have given me the most kills on my team with no deaths until the bots decided to use team work.
Our team was Teemo, Morgana, Tristana (me), Master Yi, and Volibear
Enemy team was Miss Fortune, Warwick, Annie, Lux, and Cho'gath
Close to the end I took my only death because Miss Fortune and Cho'gath pushed us into a line while Warwick and Annie lowered our health, sudden a Lux laser hits all five of us, killing us and giving massive embarrassment all around because not only did we get aced on beginner, one of the bots got a pentakill

Also, is LeBlanc a good purchace? Is she fun to play?

Lux laser pentakill is still a thing I want to do :c

Game as AP Trist mid as usual
Against Orianna
I keep on whittling her health down, she keeps going back and just buying health potions and denying me the opportunity to actually get kills.
Lose game.

I remember seeing a video where Master Yi gets a pentakill by meditating through all the enemy's ultimates and then just alpha striking them all. I want to do that.

I remember seeing a video where Master Yi gets a pentakill by meditating through all the enemy's ultimates and then just alpha striking them all. I want to do that.

They must be handicapped for not using a stun. :U

Lux laser pentakill is still a thing I want to do :c
Largest Ive seen with lux's laser alone was an instant quadra.

The 5th person was rammus.

I remember seeing a video where Master Yi gets a pentakill by meditating through all the enemy's ultimates and then just alpha striking them all. I want to do that.
Did none of them have a single disable..?

I go support morde because ryze wanted to mid so badly. went loving 1/9 while I went 8/4 and forgeted up bot lane.