
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434178 times)

First game with Malz mid, 6/0/0. Lane phase comes: enemy top and bot uber fed. friendly Team gets raped.


The entire team should drop dead if you're 6/0 malz.

Also, you're 6/0 but have no assists? do you kill mid then jack off?

how did you let top and bot get fed?

But it has the same rhythm ,_,
I am the blood god of poetic meter and I disagree

I am the blood god of poetic meter and I disagree
I'll work on it. Can you explain why if I sacrifice a sheep?

w/e I already did, so just tell me.

I'll work on it. Can you explain why if I sacrifice a sheep?

w/e I already did, so just tell me.
Well, since it's a matter of the number of syllables and their placement, I tried to come up with a version that would adhere as closely as possible to the original. The first line's fine tuning was honestly a bit unnecessary, but the magic that did was decrease the awkward gap in the middle of "IP."
The others were similarly minor tweaks.

While these may not seem important at the moment, if you ever wanted to sing it or have people sing it then you would notice the difference. Some wording might be slightly less eloquent as a result of it, so I guess it's your call, but I always err on the side of formatting well.

EDIT: Another major example of compromising meter for detail is "this is it, summoners, this is war, what are we raging for." While summoners is nicely descriptive, it does not roll off the tongue in any good way. Replacing that is difficult. A few candidates would be
this is it, team, this is war
this is it, you summoners

oh and the other line that uses the word summoners is really long meter-wise.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 05:21:09 PM by Katadeus »

Well, since it's a matter of the number of syllables and their placement, I tried to come up with a version that would adhere as closely as possible to the original. The first line's fine tuning was honestly a bit unnecessary, but the magic that did was decrease the awkward gap in the middle of "IP."
The others were similarly minor tweaks.

While these may not seem important at the moment, if you ever wanted to sing it or have people sing it then you would notice the difference. Some wording might be slightly less eloquent as a result of it, so I guess it's your call, but I always err on the side of formatting well.

EDIT: Another major example of compromising meter for detail is "this is it, summoners, this is war, what are we raging for." While summoners is nicely descriptive, it does not roll off the tongue in any good way. Replacing that is difficult. A few candidates would be
this is it, team, this is war
this is it, you summoners

oh and the other line that uses the word summoners is really long meter-wise.
Yeah that was a pain in the ass.
I'll fix more stuff soon.

Is this faster than DOTA2? I want to be able to ambush the stuff out of people.

Is this faster than DOTA2? I want to be able to ambush the stuff out of people.
a few champs can do that

rengar with sword of the divine lol

or just shaco with boxes lvl 1 or ap shaco with boxes

or leblanc

or veigar

any burst mage basicly

Is this faster than DOTA2? I want to be able to ambush the stuff out of people.
Way faster.

DotA 2 is slowmo compared to this.

a few champs can do that

rengar with sword of the divine lol

or just shaco with boxes lvl 1 or ap shaco with boxes

or leblanc

or veigar

any burst mage basicly

AP Tristana :D

AP MF is kinda more like melty, but it's so fast and strong that it's basically multi-target burst

Sword of the Divine AD Malphite is ridiculous

Just started a game as love King.

Is this faster than DOTA2? I want to be able to ambush the stuff out of people.
You were playing dota2 wrong, Dota2 generally ends with more kills and earlier kills.

You were playing dota2 wrong, Dota2 generally ends with more kills and earlier kills.
Hey I have a question, is there a reason you don't play lol?

Have you wanted to try it but never did?
Or you played dota 2 first and still aren't bored of it
or you just don't like the game?

You were playing dota2 wrong, Dota2 generally ends with more kills and earlier kills.
Screw this then lol.

I played LoL for about half a year before i got into the dota beta, Dota2 just feels so much more alive to me, The lol world feels like it's flat in comparison, Cliffs actually feel like cliffs instead, And i love the character valve have put into the heroes, As much as i liked Morganna (or however it was spelt) and Karma they just don't have the personality of dota. Sproink.

I also like just how big and boomy the spells in dota are, LoL ones are always pretty weak and "meh". And i like not having to buy heroes. And the larger selection of items that are activate-able.

And atlas you'll want to try nyx assassin, He's a pretty awesome ganker.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 08:30:41 PM by tails »