
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434022 times)

Played ranked match. I'm in bronze IV.

Me: "mid"
two other people: "i can fill"
I'm last pick, enemy lead is first pick.
He picks annie.
2nd guy on our team: "actually I want mid"
Picks Kassadin and locks, then asks if it's okay.
1st guy picks Gangplank.
Don't even remember who the enemy picks by this point, but I agree to play support.
Our 3rd picks Lee Sin.
4th picks Nidalee.
I figure, alright, I guess I'm forced to be ADC?
So I pick Caitlyn, it's the only ADC I really know how to play. I never agreed to do it but clearly communication wasn't my team's key skill here. I know I'm bad at ADC. I keep quiet about it however, not complaining or anything.
Nidalee: "lee sin don't jungle, go bot with cait"
Lee: "wait what?"
Nidalee: "you know what
i can do whatever i want where ever i want
im going  duo mid with kassadin"
Kass: "please dont, i can kill annie by myself"
Game starts. Lee sin jungles, nidalee and kass both go mid.
Looks like Miss fortune gets a free farm while Annie just plays safe!

Now I see why people make the Bronze V comments on youtube videos. They're right.
how the forget do you even get in bronze?
every game i play duo with my bronze friends i carry, I don't know how anyone can be there without trying to be stuff idk

I don't think you understand how dumb people in bronze are. Most of the time if you don't know them, they are complete stuff and just feed or something

I don't think you understand how dumb people in bronze are. Most of the time if you don't know them, they are complete stuff and just feed or something
Thats why I refuse to play ranked solo.

how the forget do you even get in bronze?
every game i play duo with my bronze friends i carry, I don't know how anyone can be there without trying to be stuff idk
Because placement matches don't seem to give a stuff at all about ELO, mostly because no one has ELO in placement matches. So it just matches you with whoevertheforget it feels like. I've had people rushing homeguard boots, never warding (whole team), quitting, going 0/9 and blaming the rest of the team, and the enemy just outright being more skilled than me.

Then I got put in bronze, and now both teams seem handicapped all the time. I do only play duo now, I like to go mid and my friend likes to go top, and when I play with my bro he jungles. But when ever I call mid, I'm last pick, and every time there's some douche who takes it from me. This forces me to play an uncomfortable role. Yeah I know the basics to adc and support, but I only know how to play like 1 or 2 champs in each of those roles. So when I get forced to play those roles, I get asked why I countered myself.

why does everyone have teammate now :(


why does everyone have teammate now :(
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but ribbons go in phases.
Sometimes everyone had a HO ribbon, sometimes everyone has a teamwork ribbon, and sometimes everyone has a helpful ribbon.
Its weird.






Oh thank loving god



That's what they want you to think.

Please let it be
I don't want to ever have to see "estoy lag" again


If you're still updating play list, I'm 30 on NA.

If you're still updating play list, I'm 30 on NA.
30'd you.

AD Nami is pretty decent

just went 17/8/27 as her in an aram
muramana, zerk greaves with furor, wit's end, and statikk shiv

The main issue that I see is that you can't possibly get the same stats as other adcs because of reliance on mana, but you also have crazy chase and kite capability, some decent healing, and awesome cc.

AD Nami is pretty decent

just went 17/8/27 as her in an aram
muramana, zerk greaves with furor, wit's end, and statikk shiv

The main issue that I see is that you can't possibly get the same stats as other adcs because of reliance on mana, but you also have crazy chase and kite capability, some decent healing, and awesome cc.
Except most actual AD carries have their moves scale with AD, which makes them have a much higher damage output. They also usually have natural mobility and attack speed that makes them excel at this role.

Except most actual AD carries have their moves scale with AD, which makes them have a much higher damage output. They also usually have natural mobility and attack speed that makes them excel at this role.
mobility checkool kids klubk
also attack boost