
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 431741 times)

ad carry ganking mid from lane
Bah. Back when ADC TF was in style ADC went mid and ganked lanes.

Click the image to view.

After winning fifteen times in a row with an Evelynn build that was intentionally meant for trolling, I decided to post what I learned in the form of a guide. Please forgive me for this monster that I have given birth. On a side note, my team is on a hiatus and I'm willing to fill in as a jungler. My summoner name is keonesan.

My summoner name is keonesan.
I assumed 30 because team and NA because everyone is NA.

Aatrox's face looks so stupid.

Went 7/0 as Aatrox :D
So far, my build with him seems to just be a bunch of lifesteal and stuff. He's great in battles.
I was going against an Akali while I had like 1/6 of my health and she had around half. All it took was a few basic attacks and I was instantly gaining back my life. Was awesome.

Played as AP Twisted Fate in mid, with friends playing Aatrox and Zed. I ended up with 710 AP and our Aatrox got fed like crazy, even if our Zed had to go mid game, we still dominated late game. Aatrox OP as hell.

Aatrox's face looks so stupid.

I cannot agree with that... I think it looks alright.

Aatrox's face looks so stupid.

Reminds me of Voldemort somehow.

Reminds me of Voldemort somehow.
Aatrox has a nose though
It's just covered by his helmet.

His face looks feminine.

..so yeah aatrox is awesome. almost got a penta that game.

..so yeah aatrox is awesome. almost got a penta that game.
Was that an aram?

high cs counts, so it's not
Whoops did not pay attention to that, just to the no smite. So probably not level 30 then.

Whoops did not pay attention to that, just to the no smite. So probably not level 30 then.
A lot of normals at 30 don't have junglers. It's less fun sometimes, and people like to duo top with friends.