
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432598 times)

I use it when I play Nami.
I knew someone would say they used it the instant after I posted that.
The only time I've seen it used in the past ~200 games I've played was when I picked it up as a niche choice on some random AP.

I knew someone would say they used it the instant after I posted that.
The only time I've seen it used in the past ~200 games I've played was when I picked it up as a niche choice on some random AP.
Ah well I hardly ever see Nami being played. Shes free this week though so you might see it a lot, i dunno.

Couldn't get to plat in a week; but Gold 4 -> Gold 2 is not bad at all.

I'm okay with this.

I'm not okay with where I am

Silver 2, where I originally started. I had to super tryhard to at least get back after getting demoted to silver 3 because silver is basically bronze but with more trolls or handicaps. Probably could have made gold if I played more than just in the last week

Silver 2, where I originally started. I had to super tryhard to at least get back after getting demoted to silver 3 because silver is basically bronze but with more trolls or handicaps. Probably could have made gold if I played more than just in the last week
I made it to silver 2 after promos, and never played after that. I'm gonna try during this season though

It should be easier to go up without the clamping

im super loving pissed

my bro turned off the internet whiel trying to hook up the xbox, and it took him an hour just to hook it up, so now im banned for technically today, and i was SO hoping i was gonna get to level 19 today
i spent all night trying to get to level 19 and this is what i get

Summoner name is PlasmaTurtle. Add me if you want, I mostly play ADC.

When does the preseason 4 patch come out?

so what is ur guys favorite champion(s)
i have 2 (maybe 3 but i never play)
1. teemo <3
2. poppy (no one plays so its cool)
3. maybe yi since hes cool

Lulu, Tristana, and Fizz are prolly my favorites
Leona's fun though

Summoner name is PlasmaTurtle. Add me if you want, I mostly play ADC.
Assuming NA?

AP Trist is fun. Nukeeeed. Dunkeeeed.
Ziggs is fun. Nukeeeed. Dunkeeeed.

When does the preseason 4 patch come out?

Probably before thanksgiving. The jungle changes are so awesome for season 4.

My favorite champs are Nocturne, Renekton, and Wukong