
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432296 times)

More all for one:
AD Leona jungle
FM, Zeph, Tri, Hydra, BV, IE
Carried team to glorious victory vs. the evil army of brands

I think that I should just main AD jungle leona

why would you jungle in one for all?

why would you jungle in one for all?
because nobody expects it and it's fun and nobody calls it and ganking is really easy and your toplaner gets really fed when you gank because the laners push top hard and then you destroy them from tribrush
and stuff

The best bit was that toplane was really angry and doing just fine and botlane was really cheerful and hardcore feeding

Also, it's basically a question of what meta is strongest right now and the strongest meta right now is 2 bot 1 mid 1 top 1 jungle.
If relic shields usher in an age of no junglers, so be it. However, I don't see that happening yet.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 07:12:53 PM by Katadeus »

I like it when people are feeding but arnt getting all mad about it.

I like it when people are feeding but arnt getting all mad about it.
It's a dilemma
They're being nice and reasonable people but at the same time there's the feeling that they don't care at all and are losing due to that carelessness.

It's a dilemma
They're being nice and reasonable people but at the same time there's the feeling that they don't care at all and are losing due to that carelessness.
Oh I see. Usually when I'm feeding I actually do care about the game but theres nothing I can do about it sometimes so I just laugh it off.

taric is loving op as stuff

i could stun twice within 3 seconds goddamn

i think i suck at teemo

taric is loving op as stuff

i could stun twice within 3 seconds goddamn
oh god what how what

his passive allows for his cooldowns to be reduced by 2 seconds after he hits somebody with an autoattack after he casts a spell

i think i suck at teemo
[img width=1000 height=632]http://i.imgur.com/OnOV2A7.jpg[/ img]
Atleast you're not this guy

his passive allows for his cooldowns to be reduced by 2 seconds after he hits somebody with an autoattack after he casts a spell
Jungle AS taric incoming

I hate people who play Teemo with a passion. Especially after patch 3.14. There's no way to find his mushrooms since they got rid of oracles elixir. And then i can't auto attack every 3.2 seconds because of his blinding dart.

I hate people who play Teemo with a passion. Especially after patch 3.14. There's no way to find his mushrooms since they got rid of oracles elixir. And then i can't auto attack every 3.2 seconds because of his blinding dart.
Sweeping Lens?

Sweeping Lens?
and then teemo comes by and places more mushrooms. Sweeping lens has a long cool down compared to what Teemo can put out.