
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432428 times)

you paid $30 for a skin O_O
While he was busy throwing money around, I got it as a mystery gift from my friend.

If only I played Ezreal.

Those awful feels when you know you were one of the reasons your team lost :(

Those awful feels when you know you were one of the reasons your team lost :(
only way to get better, you've gotten to the first step of admitting you could be a problem congrats
i'm not trying to be an ass, it's just true.

just use that negative energy to fuel your rage desire to get better

Those awful feels when you know you were one of the reasons your team lost :(
I've lost 5 rankeds in a row due to a trash team. I know I make mistakes but but it's impossible to get out of bronze as a support unless you duo with someone who can carry, because soraka sure as hell ain't gonna

I've lost 5 rankeds in a row due to a trash team. I know I make mistakes but but it's impossible to get out of bronze as a support unless you duo with someone who can carry, because soraka sure as hell ain't gonna
IMO Soraka isn't a very good pick at all for Season 4. Supports have welfare money now, someone who can make use of that money would do a better job. Like Taric, Annie, Leona, etc.

back on the climb

i missed a kill on irelia and almost died because i auto'd a minion which was bullstuff but i still did pretty well.

been getting a ton of good games lately playing kayle, i loved her so much i got the aether wing skin:

like it's crazy fun to completely deny your opponent any creeps early game, and to be able to insta-kill people with a Q W E combo late game. i've actually won several 3v1s after i've snowballed a bit and it's really easy to snowball as kayle and ruin their entire team.

I'm absolutely rubbish with Kayle.

Tell me your secrets Stocking.

I'm absolutely rubbish with Kayle.

Tell me your secrets Stocking.
Be not level 30. :cookieMonster:

I'm absolutely rubbish with Kayle.

Tell me your secrets Stocking.

1. doran's + 2 health pots for sustain
2. rush stinger, then lich bane
3. get tooth, then rabbadon's deathcap

against melee, position yourself between the minions in the middle and their tower, ward the bush closest to you and poke the melee if he tries to get close. kayle is very, very good at running away with her W and if you ward correctly you should never get ganked by their jungler. against range, hide behind minions and poke. against champions like annie, ahri, heimerdinger, and ashe, you'll be asploded in like 2 seconds if you try to go balls deep.

beg your jungler for blue buff when you can, the self heal is super expensive but if you get blue you can use it on cooldown and it's basically infinite sustain.

max out E to make it easy to mass-farm CS and poke, and then your Q. if you have lich bane and you Q, your ranged autoattack does a huge amount of damage and gives you like insane burst. use your W or ult on yourself 2 seconds after and you'll hit them for another chunk. i killed a Jinx that was 9/0/1 in ~2 seconds doing that once i had my build together. even without the lichbane burst, your autoattacks can mow down an entire team in seconds if you dont get focused, so you'll be focused like every team fight.

Be not level 30. :cookieMonster:

i think its probably worse. 90% of the people I queue into are smurfs and half the time i'm forced to jungle because literally no one on my team wants to jungle. jungling with kayle is a nightmare especially when you're jungling against udyr and he pushes a hard counter jungle.

unrelated but am i the only one who is totally gay for leona, i mean damn she fine

« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 10:32:26 AM by Stocking »

i think its probably worse. 90% of the people I queue into are smurfs and half the time i'm forced to jungle because literally no one on my team wants to jungle. jungling with kayle is a nightmare especially when you're jungling against udyr and he pushes a hard counter jungle.
Right forgot about that.

unrelated but am i the only one who is totally gay for leona, i mean damn she fine
I think every female would go gay for leona.

i feel like the ONLY person who loving loves to jungle
udyr :)
sadly i suck as udyr since i dont have a skin for him :(

unrelated but am i the only one who is totally gay for leona, i mean damn she fine
i would be if i was a girl

i feel like the ONLY person who loving loves to jungle
udyr :)
sadly i suck as udyr since i dont have a skin for him :(
I used to main jungle udyr, but playing him top lane is so much more fun honestly