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Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434269 times)


impure shots scales off of ad

Since when?

Unless they changed it in PBE at some point, it doesn't.

So basically, out of the 8 waves that MF fires with her ult, each can deal up to
125 (base damage) + (35% of Bonus AD) + (20% of AP) + (((6% AD) + (5% AP) * number of stacks of impure shots on target)
Assuming the target starts with 5 stacks, and that Miss Fortune lands all 8 waves fired by Bullet Time, the maximum damage from her ult with say, 180 AD and 600 AP:

1000 + 224 (280% Bonus AD) + 960 (160% AP) + 204*8 (30% AD + 25% AP, times number of times hit)

Starting at 0 stacks, if the target gets hit by all 8 waves, they'd take
1000 + 224 (280% Bonus AD) + 960 (160% AP) + 139*8 (18% AD + 15% AP, times number of times hit)

So with those stats, her ult would do about 3,858 damage to targets with max stacks of impure shots, and 3,296 damage to targets with no stacks in a cone. Given how easily miss fortune can land her ult on all members of a teamfight, ESPECIALLY if there's someone like amumu or malphite on the team, I'd say if impure shots still scales off of ap, that AP Miss Fortune could be quite viable.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 03:30:49 AM by Evar678 »

Since when?
[im g]http://puu.sh/6yugA/cb92ad8569.png[/img]
Unless they changed it in PBE at some point, it doesn't.

So basically, out of the 8 waves that MF fires with her ult, each can deal up to
125 (base damage) + (35% of Bonus AD) + (20% of AP) + ((12 + (5% AP) * number of stacks of impure shots on target)
Assuming the target starts with 5 stacks, and that Miss Fortune lands all 8 waves fired by Bullet Time, the maximum damage from her ult with say, 180 AD and 600 AP:

1000 + 224 (280% Bonus AD) + 960 (160% AP) + 210*8 (60 + 25% AP, times number of times hit)

So with those stats, her ult would do about 3,864 damage in a cone. Given how easily miss fortune can land her ult on all members of a teamfight, ESPECIALLY if there's someone like amumu or malphite on the team, I'd say if impure shots still scales off of ap, that AP Miss Fortune could be quite viable.

wow thats a lot of words to say "i didnt read the pbe notes you just posted"

Impure Shots
Passive's damage changed to 6% AD per stack (from 4/6/8/10/12 damage per stack)

wow thats a lot of words to say "i didnt read the pbe notes you just posted"
They said they changed the damage to 6% ad per stack from 4/6/8/10/12. Aka, they replaced the base damage with an AD scaling. They didn't mention removing the ap scaling.
Which means my math there is wrong. Whops. Brb fixing.

Not to mention, I didn't say for sure that it scaled off of AP still, I did say 'if'. I also was only replying to you with the first two sentences.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 02:00:36 AM by Evar678 »

still a stupid idea, considering the AD scaling is higher than the AP scaling, and her Q doesnt scale with AP.

still a stupid idea, considering the AD scaling is higher than the AP scaling, and her Q doesnt scale with AP.
That's true, but it does in fact apply on-hit effects, such as lich bane.

AP MF can be pulled off already, even without impure shots procing on her ult. It's just not viable because of how hard it falls off late game. If it does apply Impure Shots with an ap scaling, that would be rather scary to fight against.

you say +35% bonus AD per shot on the ult, isn't it +30%?

+ should subtract 2x the max impure shots for if they start at 0 stacks

you say +35% bonus AD per shot on the ult, isn't it +30%?

+ should subtract 2x the max impure shots for if they start at 0 stacks
Thanks. Fixed and added calculation for starting at 0 stacks as well.

Albeit, since bullet time is physical damage, if the enemy team built thornmail that'd just pretty much kill miss fortune instantly.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 04:11:33 AM by Evar678 »

I thought thornmail only worked on autoattacks?
UNIQUE Passive: Upon being hit by a basic attack, returns 30% of the incoming damage (before being reduced by defenses) to the attacker as magic damage.

yeah thornmail is auto attacks not physical damage lol

Actually, it procs on any attack / abilitiy that procs on-hit effects. It will also reflect magic damage if it procs on-hit.

I thought because of that quirk about it that the damage from impure shots would get reflected, turns out it doesn't. An example is that Fiora will damage herself during her ult if she hits a target with thornmail, same with warwick's ultimate, even though it deals magic damage. Similarly, damage will still be reflected if the damage dealer's attack misses because of a blind.

  • On-hit effects from abilities ( Impure Shots,  Bio-Arcane Barrage,  Blighted Quiver) or items ( Nashor's Tooth,  Wit's End,  Blade of the Ruined King) can bypass Thornmail's passives and not harm the attacker.
Yeah, nevermind.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 04:11:56 AM by Evar678 »

forget i just had a game that i feel so good about myself over lol. i was miss fortune laning against a gold 1 vayne (in their qualifiers for plat) and actually managed to win my lane against her.

after she started roaming and sniping kills and getting super fed, she started wrecking our team and engaging in 1v3s, which she usually won. the game ended when vayne actually lost a duel to our twisted fate, and i was able to follow a minion wave into knocking out an inhib turret all the way to the nexus and killed 3 people along the way.

granted i was so far in my build by that point that i one shot TF off screen when I Q'd vi, and my lifesteal was enough that I actually ended the fight with more health than i started. :\

but yeah, beat a gold 1 and i'm not even level 30 yet, feels good. ^-^
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 07:07:24 AM by Stocking »

Actually, it procs on any attack / abilitiy that procs on-hit effects. It will also reflect magic damage if it procs on-hit.

I thought because of that quirk about it that the damage from impure shots would get reflected, turns out it doesn't. An example is that Fiora will damage herself during her ult if she hits a target with thornmail, same with warwick's ultimate, even though it deals magic damage. Similarly, damage will still be reflected if the damage dealer's attack misses because of a blind.
Yeah, nevermind.
Because Thornmail doesn't proc on the on-hit effects themselves. It procs on things that proc on-hit effects, only reflecting whatever proc'd the on-hit effects.
Fiora's Ult: Procs on-hit effects.
Impure Shots: Is an on-hit effect.

Because Thornmail doesn't proc on the on-hit effects themselves. It procs on things that proc on-hit effects, only reflecting whatever proc'd the on-hit effects.
Fiora's Ult: Procs on-hit effects.
Impure Shots: Is an on-hit effect.
Yeah, I know.
Oh god, imagine if they made MF's ult proc on hit effects instead of just Impure Shots. O_o

Add a nashor's tooth to that and im pretty sure a 5 man ult could ace the entire team, besides maybe the tank.

Yeah, I know.
Oh god, imagine if they made MF's ult proc on hit effects instead of just Impure Shots. O_o

Add a nashor's tooth to that and im pretty sure a 5 man ult could ace the entire team, besides maybe the tank.

omg wat if they made syndras W so she could pick up + throw turrets??

omg wat if they made syndras W so she could pick up + throw turrets??
She used to be able to throw the spawn laser, which, didn't create an OP beam of death in your lane but instead forgeted up moving altogether.