
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 426341 times)

anyone have any midlaner suggestions? i tried akali but if i don't have a really good early game i just kind of melt

Fizz is still pretty damn strong
Lulu when she isn't banned
LeBlanc is pretty much as mobile as Akali
Lux is just kinda lulzy

Fizz is still pretty damn strong
Lulu when she isn't banned
LeBlanc is pretty much as mobile as Akali
Lux is just kinda lulzy
<3 lulu

winter wonder = best skin.


or TF
i like both

ok maybe blitz as well but not rly reliable

I mainly play Kayle and Gragas mid. I seem to do pretty well. Also I hit silver 4 today.

A carry isn't entitled to every single kill. A good support should let the carry get the kill, but that doesn't always happen

Because in that 0.1 seconds you stop attacking a champion to let the ADC get the kill, that opens up a chance for them to secure an escape. And I've seen it happen.

The ADC should be glad that the enemy can't get gold and they can.

then what determines it?

the champion?

or just you claiming to be "support"?

supports dont get 20 kills, carrys do
In my opinion, top/mid/adc+support/jungler are only early game roles. A support early game role is to not take the adc's farm, protect the adc, and primarily provides bot lane vision. What they become after that is an entirely different story, likely one of Riot's list of roles. While support is also in that list, that's more geared towards champions that are heavily reliant on good buff/debuffs. For example, Blitzcrank wouldn't be considered a support once the laning phase ends. He would be whatever he built for. This could be support if he's buying support related items like auras and such, or he could be a mage with heavy amounts of AP, or even a fighter with a mix of armor/health/AD.

Supports get as many kills as many times as they secure a kill.

blitzcrank mid is so much fun

I've never, with the exception of Fizz, managed to play mid well using a melee character ;-;

I've never, with the exception of Fizz, managed to play mid well using a melee character ;-;

You should try Lee mid.
He's a strongly scaling, versatile champ, and if you land a q on anyone at level 1, if they aren't under turret, if you follow it you just auto attack them and they're taking tons of damage and you barely get scratched.

Also, congratulations, Maze!

I've never, with the exception of Fizz, managed to play mid well using a melee character ;-;

Katarina is probably my favorite mid laner. Aside from the pentas during teamfights that come later, her mechanics are crazy fun with the versatility of her kit. Her laning phase is really really satisfying with her mobility and harass and being able to ward jump never gets old.

Akali is fun too, but her mechanics are so simple and most of the challenge is actually decision making and juking rather than her actual mechanics as a champion.

Talon is alright, he's kind of boring to me. He also falls of really hard if he doesnt get kills which is never fun.

Zed is weird to me and I'd probably enjoy him if I played him more, but I'm a bad Zed.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 12:54:04 PM by Stocking »

My favorite midlaners are Lux and Malzahar. I own Vel' Koz, but I haven't played him enough yet. I don't own Ziggs, but he would probably be on the list if I did.

Ever since I saw Kojo playing AP Ez I've wanted to bring that mid again.
With Lich Bane nerf, idk where he stands exactly.
Early on it'll be better, but it will be a bit of a nerf for lategame poke chunks.

EDIT: Hybrid ez is so much stronger than I thought it could ever be
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 10:25:40 AM by Katadeus »

XDG vs CLG in 5 minutes


Im terrible at mid, but I tried Vel'koz last night and didn't do too bad.



Best mid lane champ