
Favorite lane?

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57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 434122 times)

Very nice!

Also, in the ultra rapid fire gamemode, Leona has such insane stun capability.
Her q cooldown eventually gets to be around 1.8 seconds, and lasts like 1.25.
she can still lock down EZREAL

i thought you were supposed to be matched with people in your rank? or is that not how it works

i thought you were supposed to be matched with people in your rank? or is that not how it works

 nah, it just tries to make both teams have similar MMR. which is why I was on a team with 4 bronzes against a team of silvers.


i guess that makes sense

Singed on U.R.F is so good because he can gas forever and his ult last's longer than his cooldown is. (lasts 25 seconds and the ult cooldown is 20)

Eve is literally run around going qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
I swear to god.
I've always had fun with abusing her Q and now this.

She can fall off pretty hard though, since theres never enough AP to shred through everything all at once.

Hecarim is better than eve for this

Don't have death pony, might get him just for this reason.

Though I was initially aiming for Heim since I want to see how far I can go spamming bombs and rockets, considering his Upgrade can be used every 12 seconds.

On second thought .8 is not as impressively fast as .3 CD.

31/22/18, iirc.
2 pentakills as well
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 11:05:49 PM by LegendZ »

Bjerg just went 36/3/6 as Zed in URF
Mind blowing to watch

"Due to an Ultra Rapid Fire number of deaths, we've run out of the Revive summoner's spell on Summoner's Rift."

I'm laughing they broke the new Revive + TP meta immediately.

If distortion boots are still available, flash is still a good spell

If distortion boots are still available, flash is still a good spell

Tried this with Shaco.

Double flashing everywhere.

so i havent had a game without at least one DC/afk in it for a while now, but you know if I'm the mid laner I still try my best to carry:

like seriously forget everything why can't I just get a game where nobody DC's, trolls, or just plays like a down's syndrome handicap and feeds the forget out of their lane.

seriously considering buying some RP

there's just so many champs I want to try

poppy is amazing in urf