
Favorite lane?

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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432307 times)

ya i been practicing like nothing but riven lately am getting good
Incase you didn't know:
Your E cancels every ability's cast time (not animation), so if you e->q you can cast your second q during the animation of your first. If you e->w, you can instantly q before the w animation finishes. e->r and you can q without waiting for r animation to finish

This travels through flash or thresh lantern; You can e->flash->w->q and it'l work the same, or faker's favorite: e->r->flash->w->(basic)->Q->(basic)->Q->(basic)->Q
E->R->flash->w is probably tied with (Q twice beforehand)->e->r->flash->Q->(w when knockup ends) for riven's best engage tool in my opinion.

Another thing; Every cast of Q cancels your attack timer, however like vi's 3rd hit on a target, you need to re-issue the attack command or else it wont reset (so pretty much spam right click on your target)

Get used to these quirks and you'll probably hit plat or diamond with just riven if you get good enough.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 10:45:58 PM by Evar678 »

Showing pobelter how to play nid mid

« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 02:55:39 PM by Nethog »

Showing pobelter how to play nid mid

[im g width=800]http://i.imgur.com/xmvjjqC.jpg[/img]

to be fair gragas kind of sucks ass now

Aiming for plat tonight.

Ranked is so crazy sometimes
Entire team is losing except for our midlaner
Then midlaner gets a quad
Our inhib is already gone
We get a few fantastic teamfights
We get to their nexus, then get driven back hard
They get to our nexus, it survives with one or two auto-attacks worth of HP
Their toplaner tries to dive it, but we had one guy stay back and he stops him while we get their nexus just before they respawn

Damn not just a 4v5 but an Aram, Lee was there to get to level 6 then he afk'd then came back at level 9 till level 12 then afk'd for good at the floating health pickup thing dancing. 

Realistically though it wasn't very hard because ziggs would poke them down then when they were low enough jarvan or I would jump in and I'd pick up triple kills left and right.

New mod allows you to play on new summoners rift!  Missing a few things (Jungle monsters, Minions, some sounds and the background.) but it works, is safe, and doesn't break any of league's rules.  http://yurixyworks.com/2014/06/27/play-in-new-summoners-rift-on-your-live-server/#more-3597
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 10:22:52 PM by Dissolve »

I feel like I should try censer/locket warwick
see what the attack speed boost combo is like

warwick doesn't heal allies?


which actually works, surprisingly enough

so, taric is my new fav. support.

i had varus, and they had heimer supp. and ashe
i did the deeps and healed varus <3

Just a few tips.
If extra gold start, relic, 2 ward, red trink. otherwise relic, 1 ward, potions, yellow trink.
If you don't have any wards, in the river or in your inventory, tell adc to be careful, go back once you know the jungler's not coming down.
If you can afford sightstone, buy it. If not, make sure you have at least two stealth wards, you can trade yellow for red. If lane's not looking good, buy targon's, if it is, ruby crystal to go towards your sightstone.
Once you have sightstone, targon's is optional, boots are optional, rush randuin's omen.
This gives Taric the power of the gods the ability to towerdive once obtained. He gets more armor from armor. Gets more damage from armor. Gives more armor from armor. Heals more with more health. Randuin's Omen is a must with this much synergy.
Next you should work on either boots of your choice (I prefer swiftness, DO NOT RUSH ENCHANT), or work on face of the mountain.
At any point in these times, if you have a spare 100 do not fear buying vision wards. A good place for one is the bush directly north of the dragon pit, or if you're on purple side, the bush to the right of their wraiths, especially if they have a stealth jungler.
From there on, it's really your choice. I don't really like the new support item, and don't think it would work well on Taric unless you have Locket. A single target heal and a single target shield you'll use on yourself half the time wont allow you to benefit from the only somewhat useful part of the item.
Some items I like are Spirit Visage, Banshee's Veil, Guardian Angel, Sunfire Cape (vs heavy AD teams), and Ruby Sightstone/upgraded red trink (if you find vision to be a major struggle, or you have nothing else to upgrade)

I don't ever start with no potions. It screws me over.

EDIT: Hi Kojo! Double's stream
« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 01:05:43 AM by Katadeus »

Relic Shield provides some pretty decent sustain. I mean, it's only 3.333/5s ever since they removed the hp/5s from it, but it's still usually enough to hold me off till level 4 when I actually put a point into my Q. I'll get it at 3 if enemy team is too aggressive, 2 if they're too aggressive with pretty much only magic damage.

Alright, I'll look into it. My first game as taric soo

Thank youu~
« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 01:59:19 AM by Ayxrion »