
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 426145 times)

I found the secret to winning ranked games

feed heavily as aatrox before playing other champions?

although if you enjoy jungling as assassins, I'd recommend AP bruiser amumu played as an assassin
capable of bursting down carries and also huge % of max health DoT for tanks

How do you even sign up? I've tried several times already and each time it redirects me to the pbe forum/community page from the sign up one?

How do you even sign up? I've tried several times already and each time it redirects me to the pbe forum/community page from the sign up one?
It has to be near the beginning of the month I think.

It has to be near the beginning of the month I think.
I tried like 4 am on the first this month and it just directed me to the forum

I tried like 4 am on the first this month and it just directed me to the forum
Do not know then. It used to be limited to the beginning of the month.

I just had such a frustrating game ;-;

We were winning and then Amumu left and Jinx was feeding and then it was all over

Zac support is the most fun I have ever had in this game
Such a good champion

I just had such a frustrating game ;-;

We were winning and then Amumu left and Jinx was feeding and then it was all over
I was playing Vayne. Was 26/6. someone used a lagswitch on me at the end, we lost.

I was playing Vayne. Was 26/6. someone used a lagswitch on me at the end, we lost.
The wonders of denial of service attacks.


We all called lanes then randomed. I rolled mundo mid. Enemy team troll surrendered.

do any of you guys watch dunkey?

Speaking of Mundo, how do you build him exactly? I've seen many mock up builds that just focus him going in and dying for your team without doing anything.
My builds usually focus on attack damage/health but that's just me.

so i played probably my best game ever awhile ago

go renekton top, get two doublekills on the aatrox and jungle tryndamere
no one can deal with me at this moment, the game seems to be won already
except for the fact that twisted fate mid is feeding the forget out of the nidalee, bot lane caitlyn is feeding the vayne and sivir duo lane, and master yi is fail ganking
braum is doing well with what he's given, and has not fed at all
twisted fate is either a complete pusillanimous individual in teamfights or tries to initiate and gets himself killed
so i'm forced to buy a guardian angel and try to carry the game
we get wrecked in a couple teamfights but suddenly we come back and take the win after master yi and caitlyn came back and did tons of damage