
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 433912 times)

ap amumu best mid

the burst is insane

what did you do for build order?

I haven't done much amumu mid, but in the jungle, built as an AP bruiser, and played as an assassin is amazing
pretty much the same build, but with the AP jungle item instead of zhonya's

what did you do for build order?
start doran's shield + hp pot, early negatron vs tf, boots, rod of ages, hourglass, abyssal, liandries, deathcap

i lost lane pretty early but roamed for some kills/assists, and just destroyed the tf lategame

speaking of amumu

It was pretty close for a while at the beginning, but I ran into Rengar a lot in the jungle and got fed off of that, and then mid and bot got fed.

Alright, I played some nasus with my friend jungling as sejuani, and I noticed something.
I mentioned my guide earlier, where this guy mentions that the idea of soloQ (or duoQ)
is not to go even with the enemy, but dominate them.

"A MAN'S GUIDE ON CLIMBING THE LADDER! No bullsh*t generic tips"

So this particular game I went even on a cho. I didn't win because I wasn't strong enough in teamfights.
You actually have to win the lane if you want to be sure you are winning.

y'know what's really fun? youmuu's/ie/statikk zed.
literally kill people in like 2/3 hits lol

Alright, I played some nasus with my friend jungling as sejuani, and I noticed something.
I mentioned my guide earlier, where this guy mentions that the idea of soloQ (or duoQ)
is not to go even with the enemy, but dominate them.

So this particular game I went even on a cho. I didn't win because I wasn't strong enough in teamfights.
You actually have to win the lane if you want to be sure you are winning.
Of course as nasus you have to win lane, without a good amount of stacks you're useless. Going even can be fine, depending on the champion/matchup

With Veigar you can lose a lane as long as the game goes long enough. You will outscale just about anyone as long as you can farm okay.

Ok, I'll have to admit its always good to force dragon / tower but at early levels, especially if you are very low health because its the first fight and its gonna be even you shouldn't risk your life to push a turret if the enemy jungler is present? Early pushing is weak too, and you cant do dragon that early.
Or you could just farm to get a bigger gold/exp advantage.

Okay this is really starting to piss me off. Most days, I don't have much time for more than one or two games of league, and people take it upon themselves to troll the stuff out of me, like seriously, I'm not toxic, I didn't do anything to you, why do you ruin my day just to be an starfish? I play the loving game for fun, but I hate the community. 5 straight games now with trolls on my team.

Heimerdinger instalocked mid 30 seconds after I called it and locked in and fed a Yasuo so hard, you'd think the red cross set up a food tent in mid

and he kept flaming and trolling the entire game.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 10:05:18 AM by Cappytaino »

Why don't you find some friends to play with? Definitely a lot better than playing alone.

Why don't you find some friends to play with? Definitely a lot better than playing alone.
I have been in duo/trio queue and there are still trolls in the two slots left. It really pisses me off and I haven't found a satisfying way of dealing with trolls because in the end, trolls will still piss you off and there's nothing you can do about it.