Author Topic: even japan has better powerpuff girls  (Read 2522 times)

I sure hope he does come back. His presence makes blockland a brighter place for some reason.
stupid noobs. complain about trolls when they're here then cry when they're gone.

The very first song ("Gotta go fast") isn't from the show, it's from Sonic X.
Expert detective skills coming from you
John Silvertongue.

Expert detective skills coming from you
John Silvertongue.

Would you like me to come back? :)

Would you like me to come back? :)
I could arrange for you to die, if you wish.

Admit it, everyone had a hentai phase.

Admit it.

What phase. Hentai isn't a phase. It's good stuff.

stupid noobs. complain about trolls when they're here then cry when they're gone.
I enjoy every second tony walks. It's like watching a 5 year old get mad at his mother.

Better? Are you kidding me?

They just saturated it with overused OH KAWAI DESU animu trash.

And they probably all have annoying high-pitched japanese voices which would make me want to kill them with a knife.
they have really high-pitched voices anyway lol

I watched the first episode.
Oh my god I need a lobotomy after 5 minutes of this garbage.
I mean.
Oh God.

I enjoy every second tony walks. It's like watching a 5 year old get mad at his mother.

Nana kitade :D

One of the only jpop/Whatever the forget her new stuff is defined as people i instantly recognise.

not gonna lie the more episodes i watch the hotter these girls get

This version of the powerpuff girls gave me an ulcer somewhere in the back of my skull. It's like America remaking a show from Japan and it sucking except the other way around.

why do you have a zone archive avatar

I knew I recognized that from somewhere.

we should all change our avatar to zone archive related things
that would be funny
we would all be banned
unless badspot starts letting colourful robots getting forgeted by rock snakees go by unnoticed