Author Topic: CrazyCommandoGuis big House USSR App  (Read 6896 times)

You are an idiot, with very poor taste, GTFO.

Stupid, it was a waste of time. -999999999999999999/10
now because youve been banned from almost all of blockland you will start flaming and you arent 17 noob if you use negatives in ratings, no

Fantastic build, amazing floors.
Is this guy in?

Fantastic build, amazing floors.
Is this guy in?

ty i tried to make every floor in the house different and it was a pain so lots of hard work

Hey, that is one fantastic avatar you have PrisonEscapee. Whoever made that lego skull is the acest. k thx ta bye. :)

Hey, that is one fantastic avatar you have PrisonEscapee. Whoever made that lego skull is the acest. k thx ta bye. :)
I thought you did it. D:

i think he made the wierd colored one and my avatar one but i dunno

Whoever made that lego skull is the acest.
Don't forget what you learnt at modesty camp.

anything else about mah house or do we have it all covered

Whoever made that lego skull is the acest.
Don't forget what you learnt at modesty camp.
I didn't go... :( but damn that skulls nice !! :)

Listen Gui, this is an amazing house, but I'm hesitant to let you in USSR, mainly because I really don't know you in-game very much, and thats a big part of USSR you also have to know the members and hang out with them, Its kind of the unspoken rule about applications, We know you can build good enough to join the clan. Maybe if you were to be around our servers we'd get to know you a little more than we already do, right now the acceptance into USSR is all about how you'll act in-game around us and others. I hope you understand that this is not a rejection, we just need to see how you act in game. We are looking forward to having you around.

proffesionally said face :D

Me likey Commando, he nice.

same, hes awesome to hang out with/