Author Topic: Fort Night  (Read 1342 times)

     This is a castle I made recently, took a few hours but not too long. I was originally going to use it for a siege game, but it got too laggy for me (my computer sucks)

Here are a few screenshots of it, and the save file will be available via emailing me ( in case you want to use it for anything (be sure to give me credit!)

As this is too laggy for my computer to run, it is not finished and will not be finished by me, you may go ahead and finish it and use it as you like as long as I get credit. Feel free to rate and comment on it, just realize that if you say something like "add windows on those towers!" It will never happen unless you do it yourself.

38542 Bricks Total

Built by me, with a ported church from AMC City, a small building from my friend Ultimate Awesome, and a really cool house made by Orange (he made it on another server of mine and I just ported it ;D)

I suggest removing the email. Some people abuse that.

Very nice and detailed,I have no use so I wont DL but good worl!

I suggest removing the email. Some people abuse that.

That's not one I use a lot, I just made it for this. The reason it's even there is because the file is too big to upload to this.  Got any suggestions on that?

Load it on a light map so we can actually see a thing.

The pictures are too dark to see the raw detail. I can see the default church in there. The detail of the interior needs a lot of work. Seems really boxy.

The pictures are too dark to see the raw detail. I can see the default church in there. The detail of the interior needs a lot of work. Seems really boxy.

I miss the days when people could read.

Duped Church from ACM City?

Duped Church from ACM City?

As mentioned below the pictures

gate looks like a face.

the gate is all like

I like the buildings inside the castle walls, not including the default church. As for the castle walls, I think they could have used a little more detail. And the wall layout is just a rectangle. It also would have looked better if it were on some terrain or something.

Overall, it's alright.

I miss the days when people could read.

I miss the days when people wouldn't bitch about missing the last couple sentences they slapped on at the end of their post fully expecting everybody to see it under the 23 bland giant page filling images they attached to the top of said post.

Besides, all that text says is that you DID take it from ACM city, proving my point. The reason I said anything about it at all is because it looks out of place in the other build styles. The church has curves and detailed decorations. The most I get out of your builds are slanted roofs and small supports.

That rude comment was uncalled for. If you want all the info to be seen, put it all up top.

Work on losing the box build style.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 01:20:18 AM by Mr.Noßody »

Change the torches from a player fire emitter to a destructo wand idle emitter for a more natural effect, Mr. FlamecannonisanidiotsoIdrama'dhimabout4yearsago

Yeah I remember!

Size is stunning at first but the quality proves it to look pretty bad.

Probably work well for a DM.

Try taking some pictures in daylight so we can actually see the layout.