Author Topic: Name Stealer: Glass -God Dangit Tom you liar.  (Read 5755 times)

*Pulls Credit card from Wallet*

*Pulls Credit card from Wallet*
I'd laugh if Badspot bans your credit card from buying keys.

I'd laugh if Badspot bans your credit card from buying keys.
why would he?
more money for Badspot.

I'd laugh if Badspot bans your credit card from buying keys.
*Pulls out envolope and stamps*

*Pulls out envolope and stamps*
all the postal services magically go down

Aw **

your bike chain breaks, and then the entire frame snaps in half, and all the pieces come off
then its stolen
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 11:25:28 PM by ? »

Aw damn.
and a black man steals the leftovers of your bike.

and a black man steals the leftovers of your bike.
tribal. Why is it when somethings stolen, people go right to look at the black man.

tribal. Why is it when somethings stolen, people go right to look at the black man.
black man as in he is dressed in all black, do people who steal stuff go out in a business suit?
No, I don't think so.
That must make your assumption..

black man as in he is dressed in all black, do people who steal stuff go out in a business suit?
No, I don't think so.
That must make your assumption..
