Author Topic: Cigars  (Read 9773 times)

Let's discuss cigars!

I know most of you aren't old enough to smoke, and are generally against tobacco products, but this is an exception for me. I personally hate cigarettes but an occasional cigar for special occasions with friends is fun. They taste good, and put you in a relaxed and contemplative mood. Plus, doesn't every badass ever smoke a good stogie? I mean come on, Winston Churchill,  John F. Kennedy, Babe Ruth, Al Capone, and Duke Nukem to name a few.

So, discuss and name some of your favorite cigars. I like Gurkha's Sherpa cigars. They're good and pretty cheap.

I have a secret love for them. I would kill to try one lol.

Blunts are better ;)
But on the rare occasion when I do get them Cuban.

Blunts are better ;)
But on the rare occasion when I do get them Cuban.
Cuban cigars aren't actually that great, they can be poorly made and wrapped badly. The taste is also bland. This is what I've experienced before.

Also, cigars are legal. :)

Cuban cigars aren't actually that great, they can be poorly made and wrapped badly. The taste is also bland. This is what I've experienced before.

Also, cigars are legal. :)
Well always get handrolled, more expensive. Not always are expensive cigars good, but most Cubans are.
But the smoke.
Its worse then weed as of smell.

cigarettes are horrible for you, weed is the best.

cigarettes are horrible for you, weed is the best.
ciggerates arnt cigars.
Wtf r u talking about.

How about a hookah thread instead?  :cookieMonster:

ciggerates arnt cigars.
Wtf r u talking about.
op mentioned ciggerates in his post.

also cigars smell good.

Well always get handrolled, more expensive. Not always are expensive cigars good, but most Cubans are.
But the smoke.
Its worse then weed as of smell.
I did get hand rolled, if you get Cuban then there's no other way than hand rolled! Also, yeah cigar smoke can smell pretty bad, but it varies from cigar to cigar.

cigarettes are horrible for you, weed is the best.
i agree. one thing i like about cigars is that you don't inhale the smoke like with cigarettes

The only way I smoke ciggs are if I'm stressed.
I got like. 4 packs that have lasted me at least 2 years.
Not a heavy smoker on those.

ciggerates are bad, mkay.

I also lik Black & Mild cigars, they're real cheap and pretty good. You can find them pretty much anywhere. They come in little packs.

They're also pretty small. They're a little bit thicker than a cigarette, but about twice as long. They also have a cool wood pipe thingy that saves you the trouble of cutting the end of the cigar off.

the wood thing is cool.