Author Topic: Versions to Versions  (Read 42387 times)

V253 -
New weapon removed to massive brown town rape with it as a blunt object
Bill Cosby playertype added

V254 -
Bill Cosby playertype removed due to fact that nobody knew what a Bill Cosby was that far into the future.


- Snuck Bill Cosby playertype back in
- Added keylogger to game


-Crap-ons list updated to include every add-on as it is released.


announces that the end of the world is [date 6 months after release], quoting Bangladesh history as the reference for said date.

v27 -
-Released 7 months later when nothing happend
-Crap-ons list fixed. add-ons are usable again.
-Terrain and Interiors are back.
(Incase that last one has already been said)

-back to v257

(dont fast forward people)

(dont fast forward people)




Worship.le donkey.
Gay pirates attack.
We realise we can't keep going up versions if the donkey can't code


shaders and shadows released on june 1st
I actually giggled a bit.

- Game recreated in Java.
- After the development team died the new publisher is now Electronic Arts.

The time between V260 and V261:

-Players rage quit and pick up various sharp objects, such as pick forks and storm the EA headquarters.

-EA stops producing Blockland 2, and Blockland 2 goes into a period of lack of development.

BlockEngine crashes. Mass panic

Blockland 2 has died but fear not. Blockland 3 rises from the ashes of Blockland 2. The development team is weird as they continue using the old version system. The game is now running on bloxEngine 2 programmed using CoolBasic. Due to the game being completely rewritten the corrupting virus is no longer present in the game code. Although any existing copies of Blockland 2 are still infected. Date of total code and hardware collapse are still unknown.

Blockland 3 rises from the ashes of Blockland 2.
The dev team decides to start a new version system:

Blockland 3

Just like Blockland 1, but with default Minecraft Creeper chasing you upon spawn.


Added a feature that lets you save builds even if you aren't on the server (yes, passworded servers too).
Removed Renderman.