Author Topic: Weird Red Lines  (Read 1180 times)

It only happens in the kitchen.
It's really weird.

I don't see the issue?

It probably has something to do with terrains and interiors. Wait for v21.

It does this on every map for everybody. It's just a minor annoyance.

I don't see any red lines..?

I have this problem on items and vehicles too. Sometimes there will be all these ugly green lines on them turning them striped and discoloring them with red and green. its really annoying. you can see it on the tier tactical crowbar weapon and the ice pickaxe big time.

In the back.
By the big window in the first and second pictures, and the back of the kitchen in the third picture, the textures on the floor

Perhaps the pictures simply don't do enough, but it doesn't look like it's all that gamebreaking of an issue.

It's just texture, distance, and rendering issues, I think. Totally "normal"

It's just texture, distance, and rendering issues, I think. Totally "normal"

Try turning up Anisotropy towards the "quality" end in options->advanced

In the back.
By the big window in the first and second pictures, and the back of the kitchen in the third picture, the textures on the floor

Perhaps the pictures simply don't do enough, but it doesn't look like it's all that gamebreaking of an issue.
Oh I see

In the back.
By the big window in the first and second pictures, and the back of the kitchen in the third picture, the textures on the floor

Perhaps the pictures simply don't do enough, but it doesn't look like it's all that gamebreaking of an issue.

I think they were asking about the red lines. Not the red splotches.

I'm Getting the same affect but on models and guns, little green lines. When i zoom in they're okay.

It has to do with rendering the textures at the angle they are viewed

It's really bad on the football helmet from the hatmod.