Author Topic: MrCookie- build stealing and blatantly trolling  (Read 3068 times)

So I was playing on Ladezkik's server, when this douchebag comes on. He starts spamming bricks in front of Ladezkik's awesome house and steals his build.

All I need to say is:

And I know for a fact it's Ladez's because I saw him build it himself. Eepos can also vouch for it, as well as another guy named Momentum.

His ID is 9889

Wow, what a douche bag.

He's jelly because he can't build

Mr.Cookie used to be cool as hell when he ran cookietypemods. I think he became a hipster douchebag around 2009 or 2010.

Also more stuff he just did:

I can back this up, i was right there on the spot, he has also done this in the past. ban this freak

its amazing how fast this drama unfolded.

Is this THE MrCookie?

I recall there being a Mr Cookie, a Mr.Cookie, and a MrCookie in game. I forget who is the original but people should be careful about it.

Is this THE MrCookie?

I recall there being a Mr Cookie, a Mr.Cookie, and a MrCookie in game. I forget who is the original but people should be careful about it.

I definitely agree that it's the old Mr.Cookie who's been playing since at least 2007.

damnit, he has the launchpad pro now!

if you couldn't tell he is in no way serious in any of his comments.

Just checked Kalphiter's ID tracker (No idea how reliable that is)

MrCookie is the original one. No Period

Is this THE MrCookie?

I recall there being a Mr Cookie, a Mr.Cookie, and a MrCookie in game. I forget who is the original but people should be careful about it.

This MrCookie.

Also, I'm pretty sure he was just kidding. I can't see how you would be taking him seriously.

I forget who is the original but people should be careful about it.
I definitely agree that it's the old Mr.Cookie who's been playing since at least 2007.