Author Topic: Give a "To be honest" to the above commenter  (Read 11976 times)

tbh, i don't know who you are very well...

Tbh, is your avatar Animae?

tbh, your name is annoying, your avatar is annoying and you seem like a little girl..

Tbh, is your avatar Animae?

to be honest--wait, who are you?

tbh, your name is annoying, your avatar is annoying and you seem like a little girl..

lol not a girl, but I can change mah avatar. lol
to be honest--wait, who are you?
Tbh, nice avatar.

tbh, my respect for you is rapidly decreasing.

tbh I don't see you much but I like you

to be honest;

mlp is loving handicapped.

and i don't mean that to start a flame war, it's just my opinion. my girlfriend watches it. -.-

tbh what the forget is your avatar

tbh what the forget is your avatar

obviously a woman who is incredibly happy?

tbh i still can't find a woman ):

Tbh, you need to get a woman