Author Topic: Menen's Search for the Magical Milkshake - The Video Game  (Read 27818 times)

Can someone post a picture of all of menen's movement sprites? I want to make some costumes.

All those sprites are scattered throughout the thread. We should probably work on Gathering them all up...

And by We i mean not me.

Only a few clothing and armor items are currently planned.

Also we havent gotten all the sprites we need yet, so you might just want to hold off. Maybe draw some Concepts

Well can I at least get a sprite of menen in a normal position?

Here is some sprites. We probably wont even use most of these ones.

Its not that hard to look through the thread. Sprites start at Page 4

« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 03:36:12 PM by Yosher »

Dug through my dropbox and scraped up some old things from a failed forum RP. Maybe you guys could use something from them:

Listing all the stuff from left to right:
Chain, red book, green book, rolled up map, coin bag, 9 colored gems, 5 magic symbols (originally a swarm enemy), red shard, shattered crystal, red gem, green gem, blue gem, gold bar, silver bar, iron bar, infinium bar, exanium bar, thorn, Phoenix feather, Phoenix potion, empty bottle, blue potion, red potion, green potion, yellow potion, box of matches, flint and steel, candle, small tree, large tree, reverse small tree, reverse large tree, steel dagger, infinium sword, iron sword, gold sword, silver sword, Makanikal sword, Water sword, big sword, battle axe, staff, harpoon, flail, spike flail, laser sword.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 09:24:51 AM by Xinakam »

Dug through my dropbox and scraped up some old things from a failed forum RP. Maybe you guys could use something from them:

I want to use those trees for my forum adventure :U

I want to use those trees for my forum adventure :U
Go ahead. They're all up for grabs. Also, I added a list of what everything is.

Go ahead. They're all up for grabs. Also, I added a list of what everything is.

Yay, I'll be sure to use those trees since I suck at making trees.

They were originally from my forum RP that lasted a whole 4 scenes. They were used for a forest area:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 12:26:07 PM by Xinakam »

broken picture.
can you link me to the topic?

Fixed the image. Mobile dropbox doesn't like image links anymore. Here is the old topic.

Looks better than mine in every aspect, how could mine have lasted longer than yours?

Looks better than mine in every aspect, how could mine have lasted longer than yours?
If you check the last post I went on vacation and forgot about it. Then when I got back I got lazy and didn't want to go on with it.

As to not accidentally hijack the thread with my crap, here's some more stuff you could use:

Worn blue steel wall panels. From yet another failed project.

I'll help you make stuff too if you guys need anything specific.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 12:37:45 PM by Xinakam »

But still, thanks for the sprites. I'll be sure to give you credit for them when using them.