Author Topic: "EsternQuest" Help Thread  (Read 1009 times)

I am currently working on a Blockland project (a medieval RPG called "EsternQuest"). I've decided to create a help thread for when I run into trouble (mainly with events). Anyways, here are my questions:

1. In the very beginning of the game, the player has the opportunity to completely customize their character for the game. Therefore, I have a zone right next to the spawn that makes the character completely white and blank (a "fresh" slate). In order to accomplish this, I need to know how I can make both the face and the decal blank (I know to use Bot Events, I just don't know what to put in for the face and decal). Additionally, if someone could give me a list of all the possible nodes so that I may fully complete my character customization (I found a list on the Blockland Wiki, but I don't know how complete it is).

Any help will be greatly appreciated and will certainly make this RPG fantastic!! I will continue to update this thread as I continue working and come across more problems. I will also notify when my server can be tested.



Oh, shoot! Does anyone know how I can modify the posts that I make? I don't see the "modify" button anymore

If there is no modify button then Badspot removed it.

Yes Badspot removed it just like he did in Drama.

Okay thanks for the help. That's not good; I was really hoping to not have to spam this thread with questions.

Anyways, I've run into another problem. In order to set up the character, I have a zone brick that is set to initialize all of the player's variables. I have another zone brick that is roughly 2-4 bricks away from it. This brick detects if a certain variable is set and then initiates the introduction to the game. It works, but I often find that I have to go through the first zone that sets everything up multiple times before it will register. Does anyone know why? I think I'll try using different bricks rather than using plates.

Are you triggering the initialization with onInZone or onPlayerEnterZone or something similar?

I trigger it with onPlayerEnterZone, but I have also tried onPlayerLeaveZone. Neither of them work.

players are uneffected by damage and events for a few seconds after spawning

Oh OK that makes so much sense!! Yeah, the zone that sets up the events is very close to the spawn, and the initializer is pretty close as well. I'll just change that RTB Pref and see what happens! Thank you so much!

Alright, turning down that RTB Pref worked. As long as people can wait like one second or so when they spawn (100 milliseconds to be exact) then they should be good to go. Of course, ghosting time will probably take care of that. Thanks for the help phflack!

Just make a really small box, like chambers, around the spawn bricks, then event a door.

They won't be leaving the spawns until the door opens, and the door won't open until they're done with the timeout.

That's a good idea, thanks! And the reason that I am using zones for all of this is because if I simply used onPlayerTouch then the introduction would be triggered too many times. By using the player variable "Intro_Heard" I can use zones and make it so that when the player first enters the zone, the introduction will initiate and change the "Intro_Heard" variable so that the introduction will only be played once. I can use a similar system (although maybe not using zones, the zones are just for the information that shows up during the character creation process) for keeping track of the NPCs that players have met, the quests they've done, etc.

I definitely appreciate all of the help that I have received so far, and that no one has flamed me for having problems that are so easily fixed. If anyone could find out about the nodes for character customization, that would be awesome. Like I said before, I found a list on the Blockland Wiki, but I'm not sure how accurate it is. Also, if possible, I would like to remove the face so that the player is completely blank to begin with.