Author Topic: The Imaginary Friend Megathread V1 (aka "Tulpas are silly")  (Read 1020 times)

Imaginary Friend Megathread

What are imaginary friends?

Imaginary friends are friends people make up in their head. They are usually associated with children, but any1 can make one! They r great people to play with when you don't have any friends ): U might loose all your real friends trying to make up characters in your heads, but it doesn't matter because you have a cool new imaginary friend you can brag about!

Can I make one myself?
Well u just have to make up a character and then u have a new friend you can talk to n stuff.

Blockland's Imaginary Friends

This is a drawing of my imaginary friend Bobbybill he is very nice he also likes to play games just like I do!!!

Please post drawings of ur friends so they can be featured in this topic.

So discuss!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 08:48:18 PM by Tammy »

Competition with the Tulpa thread detected.

Competition with the Tulpa thread detected.

are you kidding me

say hi to Sculpy
he's my best friend

say hi to Sculpy
he's my best friend
This is my BEST imaginary friend:

I call him crabby.

Say hi to Azathoth.
We're kinda best friends so ya :3