
What should be changed for V2?

Do we really need a V2?
Make the browns a bit more different so that it doesn't look too similar
Scrap the terrain transparents (minus the blues of course) and replace it with something else - please specify in comments
Something needs to change - please specify in comments

Author Topic: Uber Terrain Colorset  (Read 2209 times)

Uber Terrain Colorset (v1)
A colorset dedicated to terrain creation.

Greetings, fellow Blocklandians!! Zyronn Sorrow here (although since I can't change my RTB Username, it remains "Aber Purchai" on RTB) with a brand new colorset for your enjoyment! I know that many people are sick and tired of all these freakin' new colorsets being released, but I believe that this one will be very beneficial when v21 comes out and players must build their own terrain. That being said, despite the fact that this colorset is mainly focused on terrain, I have included other colors that may prove useful as well. Here's a breakdown of what my colorset is composed of:

| Terrain |

- A few shades of "green-blue" for water
- Light and dark sand colors
- Dirt
- 2 different shades of green for grass

| Terrain Trans |

- As the name indicates, it is the same colors above, only transparent.

| Grayscale |

- A simple grayscale from white to black. Includes transparent versions and...the beloved "invisible" color!! (a bonus because you guys are awesome enough to deserve it!!)

| Brownscale |

- An advanced brownscale that includes many shades of brown that could be used for anything you need to be brown!

| Specials |

- This contains three shades of pure red, green, and blue.

| Specials 2 |

- This is where a lot of the bonus colors come in. Yellow, pink, purple, orange, and transparents for each.

Whew! Anyways, feel free to comment and rate (just don't flame please). I would love to hear any and all suggestions to make this colorset the best and most useful that it can possibly be.


Zyronn Sorrow

I hope you guys enjoy this colorset, and don't be shy to make requests for future updates! This colorset is definitely not perfect (nor did I expect it to be for the first version), but I don't know what you guys want to see changed unless you let me know.

Also, thanks Cookiez. So far the overall response has been pretty positive.

Me gusta. Very nice.

Me gusta. Very nice.

The moment when I am looking for a "like" button for this comment, then remembering that it is the Blockland Forums. I am glad that this colorset pleases you.

the browns look almost identical

The transparent terrain colors aren't very useful, you could replace them with something more ideal. Other than that, I'd say this is a very nice colorset.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 10:38:50 PM by curiosblockland6 »

The moment when I am looking for a "like" button for this comment, then remembering that it is the Blockland Forums.

This is not Facebook, stop it

neat colourset c:

the very small, uh, intensification of the brownscale colours is nice in case you need to transition to another colour or something (ie grassland to a desert)

This is not Facebook, stop it
I think he meant Youtube hopefully.

I think he meant Youtube hopefully.

Ha ha I was talking about how much I failed in thinking that there was a "like" feature on Blockland (doesn't matter whether it was Facebook or Youtube). Anyways, I'm so grateful for the feedback from Khorde, curiousblockland6, and otto-san. That's what I'm talking about!! Hearing that helps me to know how I can make this colorset better. Of course, I also am grateful for the generally positive feedback. I'll go ahead and add a poll for changes to be made in v2.