Author Topic: Post dreams you remember from childhood.  (Read 1301 times)

I remember being chased by cucumber headed aliens. Oh and I also had a dream that my dad smashed my gameboy so I killed him.

Nightmares and lucid dreams that made me wake up in cold sweats...
Basically I only had terrifying nightmares that would keep me up for a while

I had a dream that I pissed on a TV.

I also had a dream that I was wiping a TV with a Wet Wipe and then a BSOD popped up and the computer exploded.

I barely remember my recent dreams e__e

I had a dream I was being chased around the elementary school playground by a kid at our school with either autism or Asperger's. He wanted to destroy me.

i had a dream where I barfed out a toy car.

I had a dream that I was running through a corn maze somewhere in West Virgina at night and there was an abandoned farm house outside the maze. Once I got out of the maze I went into the farmhouse and I kept hearing KoRn's "Thoughtless" and I went back outside to see what it was (I didn't know at the time what the song or band was). And I saw KoRn playing in the middle of the corn field.

And I have never even seen what the band members looked like in real life before that point. But they looked just like they did IRL in my dream.

I never knew the band's name before that, but I have heard their songs before because my dad loves KoRn and used to play their stuff all the time.

It was weird. And I was like 6 at the time.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 09:30:18 PM by Lizzy »

Oh yea.... What I dreamed in my childhood happens to me later on...
They are all catching up to me and its really annoying when it happens like 3 times.

i was in a brown house. there was a guy there talking to my mom. i looked to the floor under a table near my bed and a big roach attacked my face. then i woke up.

Gather round, kids.

The Diver

Once there was a small shack, it seemed like a shack that would be by the sea or something. Then I (or someone I dunno for sure) heard a knock on the door. So I went to go answer it; I couldn't see who is was. But I uttered... "the diver?!". Then something like the grim reaper from billy and mandy came and ate the entire dream and everything went black for a couple of seconds.

The End; I was scared as stuff back then.

Holy tits mroe memories are coming back c:
I looked under the pool table in our old trailer and there was awesome airsoft guns and lots of gatorade c:
It was heaven to me.

that i became fapman, and i did became him

Being caught between the mattress and bedframe thing and a giant hand trying to grab me.

I had a dream where I was 11 or 10, and I was with a bunch of other kids, and we walked up to a stand where Jason from Friday the 13th was, and he uncovered a bunch of wine glasses from a sheet then he started chasing us with a chainsaw, and we went into his house and hid under the kitchen table, and some boy found Jason's cookie jar and he was eating the cookies, then Jason found us and then we all just randomly burst into song and when the song ended I woke up.
Craziest dream I ever had.

wtf Jason's cookie jar