Author Topic: Miniature Wargaming Thread  (Read 34544 times)

It is too damn expensive for me. I will stick to my non miniature Savage Worlds game.

My army is finally complete.

I now have the black 13th gun mage strike team. Eat that Khador warcasters.

Just look at this steampunk badassery.

gun mage sounds like something out of an anime involving little girls in their underwear fighting aliens in mid air

i need help

are these suitable as "imperial" icons for on top of a standard?  or should I just go ahead and buy a set of aquilas?

those are chaos sigils with a bit clipped off, just get some aquilas

those are chaos sigils with a bit clipped off, just get some aquilas
Looks chaosy.
That's what I was thinking, thanks.  Found a bitz site that sells standard/backpack tops for cheap.

gun mage sounds like something out of an anime involving little girls in their underwear fighting aliens in mid air

If you knew the game like me, you would know how badass they are for cygnar.

blah blah not a leman russ

been meaning to post this one for some time now

and these are some more WIPs I started today

also planning to do genestealers once I'm done with these, also have a Space Marine Combat Squad + Commander shipping in and some more glue/paints.