Author Topic: Miniature Wargaming Thread  (Read 34333 times)

GW should stop increasing the loving prices for no reason so I can actually afford Wh40k some day.
Jesus christ they are getting more than enough money from overpriced paint and plastic models.
I mean cmon they can't be that expensive to produce. If they would decrease the prices significally more people would actually start Wh40k.
This. I would definitely get into playing Wh40k if they didn't have handicappedly high prices for everything

I'm going to build an Ork army one of these days just because of how popular the imperium is. Also that I know how to play orks.
I'd want to start up an ork army if it wasnt so zogging expensive.

Start with the now Outdated Assult on Black Reach and sell the marines then get the ork battleforce and you should be close to a 1500 point army. You just need to find a store or a shop online that sells them cheap as possible. Also I recommend starting out with just a few boyz, otherwise you will get too many boyz syndrome where you have too many orks to glue together and paint.

Nobody wants to use VASSAL :c.

Nobody wants to use VASSAL :c.
There are two Shops near me that I could check out and find something that is cheap.

Getting this 'jack.

Thunderhead - Cygnar Character Heavy Warjack

The Thunderhead, Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo's crowning achievement, is as much a work of art as it is an instrument of war. Capable of laying waste to infantry and warjacks alike, some say there is no warjack they would rather have with them. The Thunderhead is nimble, versatile and powerful. He's affectionately known as Thunderhead, TH, or DJ Thunder(due to his pose).

The Thunderhead has a point more armor and two extra hull boxes, but is otherwise identical to the Ironclad. It's good in close combat, and it has decent defense for a heavy. It's also a little weaker and a little faster than normal Menite or Khadoran warjacks. It needs protecting, because it's a big target with little defense against powerful ranged attacks or melee attacks.

Weapons and Attacks
Lightning Coil- The most powerful capability of the Lightning Coil is of course the Energy Pulse, which automatically hits all models within six inches of it. Because the disruption effect is a critical you can't count on it, and shouldn't allocate focus to boosting attacks just to get critical hits. The normal Lightning Coil attacks are better against warjacks and high armor targets, and the Energy Pulse is better against warriors or lightly-armored targets. Sustained Attack allows you to keep plowing attacks into hard targets, but you won't be boosting the damage on any but one attack and getting the full rate of fire.The Lightning Coil is not associated with the Thunderhead's arms or head. If its arms are destroyed, the Thunderhead can keep making attacks with the Lightning Coil.
Critical Disruption - An enemy jack' suffers Disruption on a Critical Hit.
Energy Pulse (★Attack) - Models within 6" are hit and suffer a electricity damage roll.
Sustained Attack - Once this 'jack hits something it will keep on hitting that something.
Damage Type: Electricity
Shock Fist (x2)- Again, the Disruption effect is a critical and can't be banked on. The Thunderhead also has access to the full range of power attacks. With 2 Open Fists, the TH is one of three Cygnaran warjacks that can 2-handed throw! 3 Focus (Power attack, boost melee attack, boost ranged attack) will probably result in a double KD against 2 enemy models.
Open Fist - This model can perform all possible power attacks.
Critical Disruption
Sustained Attack - It's important to note that each fist is separate. Hitting with one does not make the second one hit automatically. If you're planning to wail away on something with these fists, you can be pretty sure that one or the other will hit, triggering this, and then you can just buy more attacks with the one that already hit.

Special Abilities
Immunity: Electricity

Thoughts on the Thunderhead
In terms of combat, Thunderhead operates much like an Ironclad: good speed, good accuracy and a full range of power attacks mean he can hold his own against other warjacks, but should probably avoid things that can't be wrecked outright. Where Thunderhead truly shines is against infantry: the POW on Energy Pulse is just high enough that it can be expected to wipe out swaths of light infantry, completely ignoring effects like Girded, meanwhile many Cygnar models with "Storm" written in their names happen to be immune to it entirely. The Thunderhead is the bane of high-DEF, low-ARM infantry, and Cygnar's best answer to things like Iron-Fleshed Winterguard or Kayazy. It's worth mentioning that if you hit something with the Energy Pulse you can make two more ranged attacks against that target that hit automatically. If you can move the Thunderhead into 6" of a low arm caster they will be in some trouble. Also remember that automatic hits ignore abilities that like Stealth entirely.

Warcaster Synergies
This warjack can function well on its own, but benefits more than most with support from spells and feats. Fortunately, this is a 'jack who can work with almost any 'caster Cygnar has. To demonstrate some of the more scary combos:

Commander Coleman Stryker, while not adding much in terms of making Thunderhead hit harder, can use Snipe increase its ranged threat with the Lightning Coil, and can add to TH's survivability with Blur, Arcane Shield, and the Invincibility Feat. Nothing like ARM 27 to ruin any ideas of a counter-attack after Energy Pulse.
Lord Commander Stryker is the opposite of his Prime counterpart. While he doesn't really buff TH's defensive capabilities (that's what Junior's for), but he's got Positive Charge to buff its MAT and STR, and can cast Rebuke to ensure no units can charge him back. eStryker's Feat also helps the Thunderhead out, either by giving him a few inches of movement to get out of an enemy's charge range, or to add in an extra karate chop against anything he didn't kill during his activation.
Captain Edward Dominic Darius,while one of the lesser used 'casters is Cygnar, works surprisingly well with Thunderhead, and is one of the few Warcasters able to use the big boy in his theme lists. EDD, being a mechanic, has Fortify, which gives an ARM boost to its target, and makes any friendly models Base to Base with it immovable, ensuring that any Field Mechaniks or Halfjacks who might repair it don't get blasted away. Full Throttle makes all 'jacks in his CTRL charge/slam/trample for free and gain boosted melee, so not only does TH not need to worry about connecting sustained attack, but it'll have more focus to wail away with. And what's that? Thunderhead's in melee and can't pulse? Well then, use Jackhammer and let the big galoot take a couple of swings out of its activation, and suddenly it can pulse again (watch our for Reach weapons though..). And one can't forget Pit Stop, EDD's Feat. While Darius doesn't really have much to ensure that Thunderhead doesn't get hit, if it survives with even just one health box left unmarked, Darius or one of his Halfjacks can run up and repair it to full health.
Captain Victoria Haley, being a support caster, has a couple of useful spells to help TH out. Arcane Shield is always a good thing with DJ Thunder, and Temporal Barrier ensures that it won't be charged by enemy models (though they can still walk up to him and smack him that way) and helps him hit. Her Feat also gives a nice variable boost to Thunderhead, as it can either throw another melee hit in or take an extra shot with the Coil.
Major Victory Haley uses her time-bending tricks to pretty much ensure that Thunderhead gets right where she wants it to go. Telekinesis moves TH up, as does Temporal Acceleration, the latter which has the added bonus of giving it another melee or ranged attack. Deceleration adds an extra layer of DEF and ARM against shooting before moving to position. eHaley's Feat (Temporal Shift) ensures that pretty much no melee attack is going to affect him during the enemy's next turn. There may be a couple of shots going his way, but that what Deceleration's for!

And then of course there's Nemo, whose every iteration is just wonderful with Thunderhead (as is fitting for the dude who made it)
Commander Adept Nemo's ability to Supercharging the Thunderhead with 5 focus opens doors to additional strategies not available to other warcasters that make the thunderhead simply awesome in its own right. Using Locomotion as well and you can be very dangerous to models up to 18" away at ranged (or 11" for charge). With pNemo around Thunderhead's no slouch in melee either, with Disruption Field giving a bonus to STR and disruption (hence the name). And for those moments when you know TH is going to get charged, there's always Electrify, which blast backs the first dude to hit him d3" and hits them with an electrical damage roll equal to Thunderhead's Lightning Coil.
General Adept Nemo operates much like his Prime version, speeding up all jacks in his CTRL area with Energizer and throwing a STR buff and melee electro-leap with Lighting Shroud. However, eNemo has a few more defensive buffs to give Thunderhead, with Failsafe giving an armor buff and (more crucially) letting TH ignore cripple systems, and Polarity Shield, which prevents any models in the target's front arc from targeting it or a charge, which really helps it after a Pulse. His Feat doesn't hurt either.
Artificer General Nemo offers a good amount of buffing, having Electrify, Fail Safe, and Lightning Shroud at his disposal. Where LNemo excels with Thunderhead is with his Feat, Eye of the Storm, which adds an additional D6 to all electric damage rolls. Energy pulse at 3d6 is insane. Now infantry models who've buffed their armor to Khador 'jack levels can die on average rolls, and most casters are going to feel that hit. Or how about 3 high POW 3d6 damage shots to the face? How about a bit of both? It's disgusting that's what it is.....


When posing this model, you may want to turn his left arm palm-up, because it puts him in a "COME GET SOME" pose. This will make him look less like a DJ, though.

Awesome infantry killer, 10/10, would 'jack bond again.

Shad loves legos and Mobile Frame Zero


No doubt the design is based off of it

You should try MFZ

I played my dad in Heroscape and won

Also don't make fun of me because of Heroscape

Soren, Syvarris, Dumatef Guard, and Krav Maga Agents ftw
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 07:38:55 PM by Mega-Bear »

I played my dad in Heroscape and won

Also don't make fun of me because of Heroscape

Soren, Syvarris, Dumatef Guard, and Krav Maga Agents ftw
wowe heroscap is dumbed donws ware gaems.

No doubt the design is based off of it

You should try MFZ
Maybe, I will remake all the AT's from votoms in lego form.