Author Topic: a way to type ~ into chat  (Read 2759 times)

~~                                                       ~~
i cant type ~ into chat, someone fix this please
~~                                                       ~~

copy and paste works

It actually doesn't. It gets filtered by default.

hmm, i thought i did that once though
guess not

badspot filters out a few characters from chat messages for no apparent reason

You can't type it by default because it's the console key, if it wasn't filtered by chat people who knew how to insert it would lord it over others.

If you insert "\x7E" in a string in script, that's the tilde. So you could do commandtoserver('messagesent',"I\'m a huge fat gay\x7E"); in the console and it will send. But the default servercmdmessagesent filters the character out. Most chatmods don't, so if the server has a custom chat you're probably good to go.

is it strange that i can do this

You can't type it by default because it's the console key, if it wasn't filtered by chat people who knew how to insert it would lord it over others.

If you insert "\x7E" in a string in script, that's the tilde. So you could do commandtoserver('messagesent',"I\'m a huge fat gay\x7E"); in the console and it will send. But the default servercmdmessagesent filters the character out. Most chatmods don't, so if the server has a custom chat you're probably good to go.

I would like my custom chat to be as default as possible. What are the other filtered characters?

I would like my custom chat to be as default as possible. What are the other filtered characters?

I believe the no-break space is also filtered out. (You can use the no-break space to keep arguments in a servercmd from seperating into distinct arguments if you use a slash command in chat.)

I can copy-paste it just fine.

You can't type it by default because it's the console key

I dunno, on my keyboard the console key is ¬/`.
Is this the difference between US and EU keyboards?

On my keyboard the console key is ½ / §.

On my keyboard my console key is ` / ~ / ё

On my keyboard my console key is ` / ~ / ё

Well that's because you're Russian

What the blah do you say about filters
You can type it if it's not your console key