Author Topic: Crayon  (Read 10241 times)

It was epic.
Would be more fun if I didn't suck ass  :cookieMonster:
<3 Ronin.

You should make a stopper for the rails so it looks like it just goes in the cavren and back out. Just my opinion.

DOOD! After I said brb, my comp supercrashed! I MISSED THE DM!


Yeah. That was fun. You should make it bigger.

Reminds me oddly of the one me and Djy made (as well as some helpers).

K i don't like this one.

I think it is too much like djy and ^'s one

very nice canyon detailing and desert feeling to the outside. 9/10

Yeah. That was fun. You should make it bigger.

Erm.. yeah. Needs moar secrets. (Like the mine shaft drop) It was a fun Deathmatch overall though.

Just add a mining town, moar secrets, moar bridges, and the pick-axe mod. Then your good to go.

Though the build itself looks huge there is actually very little of actual navagational pathways for you to eplore making it pretty short. The mineshaft is very short and could have great potential if it was expaned upon like having a way to climb back up from the pit that you fall down in it.

It looks nice and the detail is pretty good but it falls short when you are actually viewing it yourself.

Yeah, I want to see it expanded, no mining towns because that's lame. But more crevasses and loops would be fine.

I believe we were at 4k bricks when we ended.

This build makes me want to build something epic.