Author Topic: "Penguins' Explicit love Acts Shocked Polar Explorer"  (Read 609 times)

I somehow stumbled upon this article and it is just plane weird. Back in the early 1900's an explorer studied penguins in the south pole and this is the first time it is out in public.

Levick noted the penguins' autoerotic tendencies, and the seemingly aberrant behavior of young unpaired males and females, including necrophilia, loveual coercion, loveual and physical abuse of chicks, non-procreative love and homoloveual behaviors.

"I saw another act of astonishing depravity today. A hen which had been in some way badly injured in the hindquarters was crawling painfully along on her belly. I was just wondering whether I ought to kill her or not, when a rooster noticed her in passing, and went up to her. After a short inspection he deliberately raped her, she being quite unable to resist him."

If you want to read it for your self...

Damn... birds are weird!

mmmh, penguin research...

I'll never be able to look at a penguin the same way.

So are my notions in behaiviors of penguins wrong

I suddenly have the hots for penguins.

makes me wanna move to antarctica

But homoloveuality is unnatural!