Author Topic: How did you come up with your username?  (Read 3677 times)

I liked villains and Yoshi at the time. Also, I was stupid enough to think numbers made you cool.

Lesser known citrus fruit > name

Wanted something original.

Stole "Tango 113" from a friend of mine, then Big Brother suggested I get rid of the "113" so I did.

I thought N was kinda cool letter and then I made it up. Just like I just made up Jalmagan and Frednogar.

My first name and a random number.

what was I thinking

Tom>Gunn>Tom Gunn>Tesla>TeslaCoil>Taya>Tayasaurus

wtf happened lol

had it on a few other games so what the hell? might as well use it on blockland too.

I seriously regret picking this name and have no idea how it even came to existence.

I didn't think people put a lot of effort into their names.