Author Topic: I'm Sorry. ~Glass  (Read 10801 times)

why isn't his key revoked yet?

Because he hasn't teachably done anything par empty threats.

He said this a few months ago

at which point i decided to chat with this 'willing person' and what followed was a hilarious Skype chat, which mainly consisted of me laughing at him. Him then saying if i posted the chat log he would DDOS bl forums - More laughing on my behalf. And then when revealing to him when the router detects a massive influx of pings it just blocks the IP. at which point he started asking me for help as to how to get the same, so i laughed at him some more. Still waiting for this guy to DDOS me.
(Cant remember the users IGN, will maybe find later)

Anway the only reason glass is trying to act this 'nice' way is so he can get people to join his server.

why isn't his key revoked yet?
He hasn't done anything opposed to those consequences.

>using his friend's account
>the first post on the account was this topic
>the account was created the day the topic was

>using his friend's account
>the first post on the account was this topic
>the account was created the day the topic was
Wow I just realized that.

You may change but that still doesn't exempt you from your past actions.
I still have little respect for you.

it's the circle of liiife

more like cycle of fail trolls

I don't really have an explanation why, but I think he has changed. Hopefully I'm right. I don't see it as to getting much ANY more chances after this.

I don't really have an explanation why, but I think he has changed. Hopefully I'm right. I don't see it as to getting much ANY more chances after this.
pretty sure people said something like this last time glass had this whole plea for sympathy thing. and the time before that. and the time before that.

...and the time before that.

If you want to be forgiven, don't mention anything about your reputation at all. Being egoistical won't help.

pretty sure people said something like this last time glass had this whole plea for sympathy thing. and the time before that. and the time before that.
...and the time before that.
Exactly I thought he changed last time, but then the cycle repeated itself. What I'm saying is that I have given him enough chances. Next time it's a spanking.

I still hate Glass, his apology doesn't mean stuff for what's he done. I never liked or respected Glass, and I never will.

its like the dynasty cycle

only %1000000000000 dumbed down

You guys are loving richards. Internet respect? Really? loving dumbasses.
Im touched by glass' apology and that has led him into the next step of maturity. You guys are heartless bastards. I cant believe you cant even give him a loving week or 2 to redeem himself one last time.

Why dont you just stalk him like the creepy asses you are. Its people like you who corrupt this forum.

Glass i realize you were a forgetface In your time. And i know a sincere apology when i see one. I accept it.

You still dont have my full trust though. Youre gonna have to earn it.