Author Topic: What motivates you to build?  (Read 3145 times)

Usually nothing since I know people won't join my server.

Other builds that are better than your current skill. They inspire me to try better, and usually the result for me is sometimes nice, but I have to figure out how to keep the inspiration up because shortly after I don't feel like building anymore. Lol.

Music helps me a considerable amount.  Once I get the right song, it's hard to stop building.

nothing because i'm never motivated to build


When I am motivated though, the idea of having fun motivates me a good deal. I know that with a really good build, can come months of fun. Hell, I used this one TDM map for a year and a half and I'm still using elements of it.

Come up with an entirely new minigame concept.
Get motivated to build.
Start building.
Realize I suck at building.
Start planning and scripting.
Realize I don't have a build to script for.
Get a new idea.

All I want to do is build.
But I'm not good at building.

Oh god, help me.

My wife and kids.

I do it for you, little Jimmy.

really good ideas and having buddies online

I can never really motivate myself to build. Just knowing that this port-forwarding thing is never going to work just puts me out of the mood, with no chance of motivation whatsoever.

Games, films and other stuff.

my brain cause it thinks of stuff when I see things

nothing because i'm never motivated to build


when i do manage to make myself try to build, it's either a box or ugly.