Author Topic: New executive order regarding Lord Tony  (Read 60818 times)

"Oh no, tony disagrees with me about a fandom! Better bar him from interacting with them!"

by that logic, you should put that same burden on Otis because he thinks ethnic people are gross.

He takes the piss out of furries just as much as he did with bronies

And yes, I do realize  much more stuff has happened that's related to him and ponies

sorry furcigarettes, I'd love to take your side being a former furry myself, but yeah, no.
beastiality and furry research are the same thing.
Krystal is a HE. His name is Austin for stuffs sake.
bich I'll call her whadeva da forget I want. He's my sibling...

by that logic, you should put that same burden on Otis because he thinks ethnic people are gross.

He takes the piss out of furries
sounds kinky
i was talking about that one post about how you were saying after playing online with brazilian guys you supported ethnic cleansing

not that you actually think ethnic people are gross


do you?

Otis hates black people.

sounds kinky

I should stop using English phrases and terms around Americans

Bestiality: Sticking your richard into 100% animals.
Furries: Sticking your richard into 75% animals.
I guess furries don't exist. Because there's nothing that's real and 75% animal. And in order for you to stick your richard into something, it has to be real.

being a former furry myself

I would love to be able to say that myself.

If bestiality is love with animals, wouldn't bestiality still count for humans having love together. I mean humans technically are animals.

If bestiality is love with animals, wouldn't bestiality still count for humans having love together. I mean humans technically are animals.
Are you seriously defending bestiality

If bestiality is love with animals, wouldn't bestiality still count for humans having love together. I mean humans technically are animals.
Then common sense was invented and the answer became "no".

Are you seriously defending bestiality

I'm just questioning some people's logic.